14. Elle

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That word does not fully explain how the past couple of days have passed by. For one, I've been treated like royalty and not a girl who's been abducted and kept here against her will. They even appointed a personal maid for me, who made sure I'm being fed and have everything I needed. Except freedom. I nurse the sting of that thought as I watch Lara cut up apples like little rabbit ears, which I'm pretty sure she will force on me any minute now.

She's been my shadow for two days now and although it's nice to have someone around that doesn't want to kill me at any chance they get, I know this is all pretend. Logan is playing a bigger scheme here and I'm not sure what he is going for. Which brings me to the next point, Logan's been MIA. Either he's away or he's just doing a great job at avoiding me. As dumb as it may sound we kind of had an awkward moment in the bath the other day.

My emotions were scattered all over the bloody mansion already and when he made that statement he broke something inside me. They were just some words, he didn't really mean them. That voice in my head yelled back. Of course, he didn't mean any of it or else why would I be here? What I can't overlook is that while I stood dressed only in a robe, crying my eyes out probably sounding like a dying whale, not once did he touch me inappropriately. Instead he held my hand, wiping away the tears until my heart had calmed down.

Now that I think about it, I should be the one avoiding him since I'm the one who embarrassed myself. "Have you seen Logan lately?" I ask curiously, looking around to make sure no one is listening. Lara looks up from her task, "Mr McKenzie, is out on business trip" she replies.

So he isn't avoiding me. "Where did he go?" I don't even know why I'm asking this? Why does it matter?
"Mr McKenzie does not usually disclose his whereabouts" Her voice is clipped and I wanted to know more. It would be against his nature to let people know his agenda, especially with the kind of business he does. The same kind of business my father does.

"I'm assuming you don't know when he'll be back either?" Lara confirms my question with a nod, further attesting that she's basically here to keep an eye on me. "He did ask me to warn you though" My ears instantly perk up at that, "He said and I quote 'Do not do anything stupid or rash and get yourself killed until I get back'" Get myself killed? What the fuck is he talking about?

I'm about to pop another question when a shadow catches my eye. Elon strides casually into the room dressed in a white button down shirt and denim. His gaze lands on me and he smiles warmly, like he's been looking for me. We have had small interactions since the incident in the backyard and he told me about the library on the second floor of the house. That's where I've been spending most of my time, since I'm not really allowed to go out.

"I need you to get dressed, we have someplace to go" He leans against the fridge. "Where are we going?" I ask as I wondered how they're taking me out in public. What if someone sees me? Are they willing to take that risk? Which again brings me to my first question, where are we going?

"Just some place, Lara could you please help Miss Lively. Pick something that'll make her shine more than she already does" I'd have swooned over that compliment had I been in a normal situation. Only this isn't any normal occasion and this is not a normal man. Sure, he has been nice to me and to some extent I'm even thankful to him but do I trust him? Not a chance.

"Of course" Lara puts away the fruit and ushers me up the stairs to my room. I have even started calling that my room now, isn't that a pity. I slip on a white dress that Lara pulls out for and let her fix my hair for me. My brain is still trying to decipher what's about to happen when there's a knock on the door. My frown deepens as Elon walks in, his eyes are an ombré of gold and brown but not nearly as perfect as his brother's. "Is Logan joining us?" I ask, thinking maybe that'll help my heart settle down. Something feels wrong and I can't seem to push that feeling away.

"He is a bit occupied at the moment" His curt reply makes me more anxious and my fists automatically ball up, scrunching the fabric of my dress. "We should get going" As I get up against my will, Elon waves at Lara. "It'll be just us"

What the hell is going on? Lara gives me a look of suspicion and if anything that sets off fire alarms in my head. Logan appointed Lara and I can put a bet on it that he did it to keep an eye on me, protect me, so if she isn't aware of what's happening means he doesn't know what's happening either. And yet again panic strikes me as Elon shuts the door behind Lara.

"You need to tell me where we're going" I state watching him like a hawk.

"Just outside, I thought you might like that, you've been caged in here for a week" Even with his honest voice I'm not buying that. "Okay, well then I don't want to go" I cross my arms in front of my chest and his face drops. Running out of options he gives up, "Fine, you got me, father wants to see you"

My eyes go wide as fear kicks in, out of all the men in this household he terrifies me the most. "What does he want?" I ask once again. "I can't tell you that, we're running late" He groans as he reaches for his pant pocket and takes out a syringe with clear liquid in it. Being awake and fighting back seemed more of a logical idea than being drugged and have no idea of what they have planned for me. So I bargained, "Okay, I'll come with you just don't drug me"

He looks at me suspiciously as if he wasn't sure if he should trust me, which to be honest he shouldn't. But for my own sake I needed him to. Finally he empties his hand and offers it to me, this time though I take him up on it. We walk out to the front of the house, where a black tinted SUV is waiting for us along with two men dressed in jeans and black leather jacket. I sit in the back with one of the guys while Elon sits in the passenger seat. My mind is already racing to figure a way out before we even move.

We're at the traffic lights when I know I have to act now, but I need to be careful. When Elon starts talking on the phone and the big guy next to me shifts his gaze towards the window for a split second, I take my shot. I launch at the guy, punching him square in the face. It didn't do much and I wasn't even surprised about it. He's huge and bulky, there's no way he'd have even felt that, but he's got to have a weak spot. Everyone does, I just had to find it. Quickly.

"Stop it Elle" I hear Elon growl from the front seat, while I kept going at my target, who by the way was getting angrier with every blow. When I kicked him in his manhood, the look that he gave me told me I was in deep shit and that he's had enough of me. With one slap he had me back in my seat, the world shaking in front of my eyes.

"Fucking hell, Luka you can't kill her" Elon yells from the passenger seat and I turn to see the guy pull out a gun from his jacket. Do not do anything stupid and get yourself killed. I can almost hear Logan say those words in his gruff voice.

I guess it's too late for that now. I jab my bottom lip hard until I taste blood as I stare down the man who's about to end my life. Anger, hatred fuelled his eyes and there isn't even a shred of sympathy in them. "Put the fucking gun away" Elon screeches helplessly as he moves between the seatbelt. I knew he is going to pull the trigger but I hated the fact that he's taking so long. This is torture.

And then it occurs to him that they need me alive, his gaze stays on me, just as furious and menacing as he grabs me by my hair, the metal of the gun pushing painfully against my skull. Then he ends all anticipation of death by slamming my head against the front seat. I hear a crack and it's either from the hard plastic of the seat or my skull. From the way my head feels at the moment I'm certain it's the later. My vision goes blurry and I know I'm about to pass out soon.

"Goddammit, Luka!" Elon groans as the car comes to a halt. Soon my body is shifted and I feel warm hands cupping my cheeks.

"Fuck, she's bleeding" That's all I heard before I blanked out.

Poor Elle keeps getting beaten up.

Will Logan be able to save her in time??

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