35. Elle

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Even the smartest of people make mistakes.

Out of everything I've done wrong in my life, this is the dumbest one of all. I fucking trusted the enemy and what makes it worse is the fact that I was starting to fall for him. As I'm sitting here in the car, I'm very much aware of his presence on the other side of the seat.

Every time I'd shift in my place, his gaze would land on me and I wondered if one of these times he'd actually move in my direction. After what happened I still want him to hold me, and I can't tell if I'm being pitiful or ludicrous. My brain must be too clouded and it's all my fault. I've let him in more than I should've. This ends tonight, I need to stop before this man destroys me completely.

I almost break into a maniac laughter as the thought that all these years I've shielded myself from men like my father and now I've ended up with someone exactly like him. And I honestly believed I had mastered the art of reading people, which to some extent I was right about. I knew he was dangerous so how the hell did I get myself here?

By the time we reach home, I've already made my mind to leave this place. I can't let him affect me anymore and I know it as a fact that having him around is going to break me.

I race for the bedroom as soon as the car comes to a halt. I'm praying that he's not following me and that he ends up going somewhere apart from the office. I needed him as far away as possible so I could sneak out without him watching over me through his security cameras. I pull out a duffle bag and start shoving the limited clothing I'd managed to get from my apartment. It's the only upside of not bringing all my things here. I quickly strip out of what I've mentally tagged as the unluckiest dress I've ever worn, and slip on a pair of jeans and hoodie.

I'm almost convinced that he's not turning up to the room when the door opens and I curse myself for not being quicker. "What are you doing?" He questions, his gaze falling on the bag I'm clutching close to my body.

"I'm leaving" I tell him, going to the dresser to grab my phone and my car keys.

"You're not going anywhere" His voice is commanding as he shuts the door behind him, loosening the tie around his neck.

"Yes, I am. I can't do this anymore, I want out" I don't bother looking him in the eye because that's going to make me stay.

"You're not going anywhere, and you get out when I say so" His tone is darker now and I focus on the part that there will be a time in the future where he'll ask me to get out. By then it would be too late because he'd have completely ruined me. I needed to leave now.

"No! I'm the one who decides and I want a divorce" I grit my teeth.

"We're not done" He says with hardly a reaction on his face, like he was expecting me to say that.

"Yes, we are! I'm done being a pawn! You can go fuck yourself and find someone else to play around with" I brush past him, reaching for the door but he grabs my wrist.

"You signed a contract with me, you can't leave until it's fulfilled" He pulls me closer to him, his scent already clouding my brain. "I don't care about the contract, you want my father's business? Go chase after him. I have nothing to do with him or you or that stupid business" I yell, my fingers trying to pry open his grip as I drop the bag to the floor.

"Don't make me pull out dirty tricks to keep you here" He fucking dares to threaten me.  I want to reach across and slap him and if my hands were not in shackles right now, I probably would've.

"Your threats do not work on me. I am leaving this hell hole. And for the record, you already pulled a dirty trick so I don't think you're going to surprise me again"

"I. Fucking. Challenge. You. To. Leave" I have never heard him this angry before and for a second I pale. He lets go of me abruptly, I stumble trying regain my balance.

"And if you call your friend to come rescue you, I will  personally take up the task of killing him" He growls and it's been a while since I've actually been scared of Logan. I forgot how dangerous he actually is and just how much damage he can cause. He turns to leave, his body exuding a dark aura.

"You really want me to hate you, don't you? And here I was falling—" I shut my mouth before I let out too much information that I will soon regret it. He doesn't need to know things that make no difference to that cold heart of his.

"And here you were what, Elle?" He questions in piping hot rage, looking over his shoulder.

"Nothing! It's not like you care!" Slowly but surely, my fire was fading away and I needed him gone before I have a complete meltdown.

"I do care and that's exactly why I'm going to keep you here" His expression softens and the tears start pouring without any warning. One second I'm ready to go at war with him and the next I'm a pathetic slob. Logan's hands are cupping my face in an instant. "You're killing me, Elle" He whispers, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

Having his face so close to mine, I'm torn between wanting him and pushing him away. It takes me a minute to see clearly again, my sense of rational is on thin ice and I need to grab hold of it before I loose it completely.

"I can't do this Logan, please let me go" A perplexing plea, when I'm literally holding on to him for my dear life. Silence lingers between us for god knows how long.

"Alright" He says finally. My eyes lift to meet his and there's nothing but pure pain in them as he adds, "I'll let you go but not now. It's not safe for you to be on your own, let me take care of this mess and then if you really want to leave, you can do that. But before that let me prove myself, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I really do want you here. Give me this one chance?"

I nod at him without even processing his words completely. He leans down to place a kiss on my forehead. "Get some rest champ. I'll take care of everything else"

And then he's gone, my knees cave in and I spill down to the floor. Never had I allowed a man to affect this much and only one thing kept repeating on my mind. I want to go back to my old life, where Victor was the only person I loved.

Hold on!

Did Elle just say the L word?

I hope Logan fixes this situation soon!

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