39. Elle

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I wake up in a room, lying on the floor; my arms tied up behind my back. Pushing myself up in a sitting position, I take in my surroundings but there wasn't much around. A single yellow bulb on top of my head was the only source of light. There were no windows around, just a door on the other side and an old wooden chair beside it.

The soreness in my shoulders suggest I've been kept this way for a while. Just as I'm trying to pin the person who did this, the door opens. A man steps in and it's only when he comes closer and underneath the lamp do I see his face.

"I haven't seen you in such a long time" His voice brings an onslaught of memories, to the point that it almost hurts to think about him.

"Dad?" As if I have no control over my emotions I begin to sob at the word. He's here, I will be safe now. All the grudge I have been holding against my father comes crumbling down. His face shows more wrinkles now and his hair only has few speckles of black left.

"You look exactly like you're mom when we first met" He smiles at me.

Someone walks behind him pulling up the chair to where he is standing. "Leave, I want to have a word with my daughter" He commands, sitting down.

"Did you send those men to get me?" I ask him, when my real question should've been why am I tied up.

"I did, I wish I'd have come sooner" He almost whispers.

"Dad, why am I tied up?" I question, trying to break free from the ropes but I already knew I wasn't strong enough.

"I was afraid you might do something" His response doesn't make sense but I pick my next question with care. Even in these times I'm fully aware of my fathers temper and it didn't take a lot to piss him off. 

"I was abducted by the McKenzie family, they told me you killed their uncle and stole money. They said you were part of some underground business. I know that's not true, you need to come clean, get rid of this misunderstanding" I pause to take a breath.

"So they told you everything, huh? Is that why you betrayed me?" He questions, his face stoic.

"Betrayed? Dad, please tell you didn't do all those things!" I'm on my knees, trying to make sense of what he just said. No! It can't be true!

Would you blame me for still believing that my father is innocent in all of this?

"Why did you betray me, Elle? Tipping me off like that and marrying that bastard!" He repeats, looking furious all of a sudden and I had no clue what I did wrong.

"I didn't betray you! I didn't even know where you were!" I told him.

"Bullshit!" He glares, my eyes widen as I watch him pull out a gun. Both of us snap our heads to the door as we hear yelling outside followed by firing.

"Looks like my plan worked, he's here to come get you" He smiles menacingly as he walks away from me. As the door shuts, another man takes place of my father on the chair. He stares me square in the face before his eyes travel down and I become aware of the fact that I'm in a bathrobe and I didn't have anything on inside.

I push myself, backing into a corner to put space between us. The man gives me a minute to think that he's not going to do anything before he makes his way in my direction.

"My father will kill you if you do anything to me" I try to sound courageous but the truth is I'm fucking scared. I'm terrified of my own father at this point, let alone the man crouched up in front of me.

"I'm just trying to get equal with you breaking my nose back at the house" It's only when he points it out that I notice the dried up blood at his nostrils. I barely even remembered punching him, but I guess with all my thrashing I must've gotten him. He pulls at the sash of my robe, untying the knot as the door slams open once again. Gun shots thunder in my ears and the man who was well inside my personal space, falls back dead.

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now