27. Elle

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I watch frantically as Logan speeds through the road and takes a quick turn into a clearing, away from all the other cars. I don't have the slightest idea of what he's planning on doing or where in the world are we going and it's adding on to my anxiety.

I turn in my seat, trying to see if can spot the car, when he finally decides to not ignore me. "Open the glovebox" I do as he commands and as soon as I open it the shinny black firearm catches my attention.

"Have you ever used a gun before?" I look at him like he's grown another head. He wants me to use that? No way! I can't even hold that thing right, let alone use it!

"Come on Elle, is that a yes or no?" He grunts when I don't reply.

"You said you had it under control" I whisper, my eyes going back to the gun. "I do" That's all he says as he hits the brakes and if I hadn't been buckled in I'd have slammed my head straight into the dashboard. The wound on my forehead throbbed for a second as to remind me how much it would hurt.

"So why do I need to use this?" Logan unfastens his seatbelt as he once again decides to ignore me. "We don't have much time, here, it's a semi-automatic" He takes the gun from the dash and unlocks it, a metal plate falls into his lap and he picks it up and loads it back into the part where it came from. I watch him in complete disbelief.

"When you're ready to fire, you pull the slide with your index finger and thumb, if you need to use your palm point the gun to the ground and it'll make it easier. And do not pull back slowly or the bullet won't load into the chamber and it won't fire—"

"Why are you telling me all this? I can't shoot—" I cut him off, my voice dripping with tension and anxiety.

"You have to, as soon as I step out of the vehicle you're going to run in that direction. Find a hiding spot and stay there. Josh and Doyle will come for you, you remember them right?" He questions as he takes my hand, I nod at him while hyperventilating.

"Good, if anyone else comes to you. You shoot, got it?" I nod once again before asking, "What about you? Come with me!"

"I'll be right behind you. I promised to protect you, remember? Now, this doesn't have a safety lock, so you just aim and shoot, okay?" He says it like it's not a big deal to put his life on the line this way. Like he does this every single day.

"Don't look back" He adds as he shoves the gun in my hand and opens the door. I do the same and charge out like he had told me to. I run through the grass field, leaving the road behind, every step I take makes my body grow heavier. It feels wrong to leave him behind and yet I find myself running away from the scene, as if my feet only knew to obey his command and I couldn't stop myself from moving.

It's only when I hear gun shots being fired, that I huddle behind a tree. My heart thundering in my chest as I try to cover my ears. Looking at the gun in my hand, guilt begins to creep up to me. I shouldn't have left. I should've been there with him, although I'm certain I wouldn't have been of any help.

The air quiets down moments later and my immediate thought is to go back but my legs wouldn't support my weight anymore, not even to stand straight. I hear men yelling from the direction I came and I prayed that he was okay. He has to be okay, he has to be alive.

As much as I hate him, I need him. It would be easy for me to go back to my apartment, grab my stuff and relocate to a different place, leave this mess behind but I knew in reality the fact that I left him alone to fend for himself will come back to haunt me. Not to forget his family would come after me and I was almost certain that they will find me.

I promised to protect you, remember?

For reasons unknown to me, his words rang in my ears on repeat. I didn't understand why he would choose to stay back to buy me time so I could run away. People usually don't do that, not unless they really care about the person they're protecting and as long as I remember I am a nobody to him. Sure, he's made that promise before but I didn't really think he'd actually meant it. I have my father to blame for it, he always went back on his words leading his kids to be hurt all the time. And now I can't trust any man or the promise he makes me.

CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now