36. Logan

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Life has never given me a second chance at anything and now I have been granted that golden opportunity from the only woman who means the world to me. The minute she told me she wanted a divorce, I had a glimpse at my future, where I would never get to see her again. I would no longer be the man that wakes up next to her or gets to witness that blinding smile of hers. Just a peek and I knew I would be living miserably once she gone.

At first I thought I'd be fine with keeping her here against her wishes. Make her a prisoner, how she initially came into my life but when she broke down, it was the very moment I discovered I was willing to beg my way back to her. I needed her to stay as her choice and not my decision. In the last few hours, my main focus has abruptly switched to gaining her back. I fish out my phone from my pants and dial Catherine's number. She answers in a groggy voice, obviously I had not cared to check the time.

"I need you to get me every piece of information on John Costello" I bark into the mouthpiece, striding my way to the office.

"Alright, define 'every piece of information'?" She yawns.

"Means every-fucking-thing, his business allies, enemies, family even. I need all the dirt, Catherine. And I need it fucking now" I hang up the call before she even gets the chance to acknowledge or further question me.

Moving on to the next problem, I boot up the desktop, going through the details the lawyer sent me back. That takes a big chunk of my time and as dawn breaks one thing is clear, I have to go get my brother personally. I send an angry response to the lawyer, the keyboard begging under the wrath of my fingers. I couldn't wait to see Constance, I'm going to strangle him for making me do all this.

Twenty past five and I get that detailed report from Catherine, with an added bonus of John's schedule for the rest of the week. I don't even want to know how in the world she managed to pull that one out.

At some time around six my brain has given up, I needed a break and I found myself standing outside my room. Is it possible she's still awake? Should I leave her be and go to one of the guest rooms? The lights peeking through the crack of the door suggest she's still up. Could it be she's waiting for me or is it she just can't sleep? I have never contemplated so much over entering my own fucking bedroom, I push the door only to find her occupying the bed.

All the crying probably tired her out and I'm sort of glad she's able to sleep. I turn down the lights so they don't bother her as I pour myself a drink. Pulling up a chair, I place myself right next to her, my hands balled into fists, fighting the urge to touch her.


"Remember, we're only going there to give our condolences, you boys will stay on your best behaviour" Father instructed us as the car came to a halt.

I nodded at him even though I wasn't sure what he meant by our best behaviour. I hardly ever was a problem to our parents, I had received enough of punishments to learn my way around. Wish I could say the same about Elon, my little brother was still on the learning curve. I had tried to be a good brother, explain him the extent of trouble he could get into but despite all my warnings, he chose to take all the risk.

And I wasn't up for putting my ass on the line for that little shit. As we entered the house which was basically composed of wood and glass, Elon took the first chance at running away. My father passed me a glance, anger masked his face, a look I've seen on numerous accounts.

"It's alright, he can run around" I snapped my head to watch a  man walk towards us. He greeted  my father and from the looks of it, he works for my father.

"Go get your brother" He told me and even though I wasn't interested, I knew better than to disrespect him especially out in public. Minutes later I found Elon huddled in a hallway, sobbing. "What are you crying for?" I questioned.

The second he hears my voice he comes running towards me. "I got lost and I thought you'd leave without me" If he we're crying before, now he was bawling his eyes out.

"As if that were to happen. You really shouldn't be crying over such petty things" I sighed, trying to set free from his grip on my leg.

"Can you shut your crying?"" I yelled at him.

"You shouldn't be so mean to your brother" Came a warm voice, the girl who it belonged to peeped through a door. Her cheeks were flush red, her eyes swollen, giving away her identity.

"I'm sorry about your mother" I looked away, remembering my father's words.

She remained quiet as she stepped out in the hallway. "Don't cry, friend. I have something for you" She spoke to Elon, pulling out a toy car from her pocket.

Elon rubbed his eyes, slowly unwrapping from my leg. He took the toy and like the shameless little boy that he was, he asked for another one. "Elon, we don't take things from strangers" I remind my brother so he'd return the stupid car.

"Our fathers are friends, which means I'm not a stranger" She smiles.

"Doesn't mean you're our friend either" I conclude the conversation, dragging Elon by his elbow.


I wake up to the sound of glass shattering, that was a piece of memory I hardly knew even existed. How did I not remember meeting Elle when we were kids? My gaze focuses to the empty bed in front of me and my heart skips a beat as I realize she's gone.

"Elle?" I call out frantically.

I'm about to head for the door, when I hear a sound in the bathroom. Elle steps out a second later, her attire switched to tights and a tank top. Her eyes fix on the floor and the mess I made when the glass slipped out of my hands.

"Where are you going?" I frown.

She said she wouldn't leave!

"I need some air, is that okay?" She questions in a hoarse voice and even though I try not to think too much about it, it still bothers me.

"As long as you stay within the gates" She nods at me.

"I'm going to be out all day, Doyle will be with you if you need to go somewhere" I earn a cold stare before she aims for the door.

So Elle, Logan and Elon have met when they were kids.

Logan remembers it now, what about Elle??

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