The Bear vs. The Moth pt. 2

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"Now, let's get the clues for The Moth!"

On cue The Moth walked out of the sitting room and began to prepare for his song. The tv turned to his clues. It began with the silhouette of the moth. The Bear walked back into the sitting room, you did a small clap to him, he bowed in thanks to your kindness.

"There's not much to say about myself." It seemed like a basic clue package to you, him just waking with his head down, or the security doing some sort of shenanagan.

"I'm pretty much fresh out of recovery from a villain attack." He pat his lower abdomen.

"I'm glad this is where I get my second chance at a good debut." He said, pretending to fight.

"I'll do my best, and you'll have no choice but to lock your eyes and ears on me!" His voice sounded alot like the bears, a little more smooth rather than gruffy though.

The tv turned back to him, he stood still looking at the crowd. The music started lightly, then began to get more intense. He began to stomp with the beat, he waves his hand up to the crowd, trying to get them to jump along once the beat picked up.


The music slowed back down.

"Cross my heart and hope to die. Burn my lungs and curse my eyes. I've lost control and I don't want it back. I'm going numb I've been hijacked. It's a freakin drag." He lightly tapped his foot when the beat came back. You felt a chill run up your back, he was good.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you! So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do!" He began to clap, the audience following in suit.

"Yeah you're worse than nicotine, nicotine! (×2)"

The audience screamed in excitement and cheered as he reached the chorus.

"It's better to burn than to fade away. It's better to leave then be replaced. I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match." He did a slow wave in the air, like he was waving to the sky.

"I'm going numb I've been hijacked. It's a freakin drag." The judges cheered him on. Fatgum telling words of encouragement and All Might smiling and clapping, Ms. Joke cheering aggresivly. Ryukyu clapping with a small smile.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid to you! So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do!" He pretended to drag out a long inhale of a cigarette, then returned to his previous hype when the chorus began.

"Yeah you're worse than nicotine! Nicotine! (×2)"

Blue and orange lights flashed and backhand dancers appeared on stage. They began crazy dance moves, pulling their arms in towards themselves and throwing them back out along with their legs. They slowed down and danced slower when the music calmed down.

"Just one more hit and then we're through. Cause you could never love me back, cut every tie I have to you." He spread his fingers and moved them in a fan motion to the audience, turning his hand into a fist at the last second.

"Cause your loves a freakin drag. But I need it so bad. Your loves a freakin drag. But I need it so bad." He walked to the edge of the stage and crouched, he intertwined his fingers with the nearest girl, she had a look of shock, embarrassment, and excitement all at the same time.

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