Chapter 30 Don't Fear the Reaper pt.4

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Aberdeen's last few fall seasons were said to have been obnoxiously warm for autumn, and Ava couldn't agree more as she sat perched in a tree, waiting patiently as the sun faded. She felt more in her element in this atmosphere than any other.

Then the sun went, and it was almost completely dark, meaning Layton would be there soon. She raised her binoculars, studying how far and well she'd be able to see in the dark. It would have been awesome to get her hands on a pair of night-vision goggles, she thought. The spot she sat in had been chosen for her ability to keep an eye on Layton when he arrived at her door and to keep an eye on him when he came into the forest looking for her after he found the note she'd left him: in the forest — come find me. When he fell into one of the traps she'd set out in her diameter, she'd get a clear view of his reflexes. None of his bullshit.

She'd wait all night if she had to, never moving, watching, a feline predator with steel nerve and stealth, merci —

"What are you watching?" Layton's voice was at the top of her ear. Ava spun around so quickly, shocked out of her thoughts, she nearly fell off the branch before Layton wrapped a strong arm around her waist.

He smiled.

"How did you get up here?" she asked, her breath still trying to catch up, but before he could answer she was beating at his chest, legitimately angry because he'd snuck his way through her traps.

"Ouch! I got up here the same way you did!" He laughed and she pinched her face together until he forced the expression off her with a kiss.

When she opened her eyes, he was gone.

She swore under her breath, snapping around to look for him, hoping to at least get him this time. There was nothing but a quiet and empty, dark forest. She hurried and grabbed the binoculars to see him go in the house.

After about a half hour of watching her door, the backyard, and the area around her, there was still no sign of him, and Ava realized the predator had turned into the prey.

Fuck. She dropped the binoculars and sneaked back to the house as careful as she could. This wasn't over.

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