Chapter 38 Worlds Collide

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Dahlila leaned back against the kitchen sink, folding her arms over her chest. "Coffee?"

"Sure." Ava stared off into the roses banging into the window, staring as if she was waiting for another pebble of sand to fall off something, and wondering why she only notice those roses half of the time.

"Are you okay?" Dahlila asked before moving.

"Oh, come on! You fuckin' joke!" Danny yelled at the TV, and Dahlila jumped from the counter.

"Shush!" she yelled into the air.

"Hush!" he retorted.

Dahlila tried with Ava again when she set down the coffee. "Are you all right? Anything I can do?"

Ava's eyes rolled up to Dahlila and the huge debutante curlers in her hair, the high sheen all over her skin. Any other day, Ava wouldn't have been able to restrain herself from chuckling; Dahlila looked like a science experiment. She was going all out for the day. They were probably going to have to plop Danny's tongue back into his mouth all night.

Ava heard the questions, but her mind couldn't work out the right response for it. She picked up the coffee and took a sip. "Yeah. Just need some coffee." Her lips softened enough to let Dahlila know she was okay. "Where's Shane?" Ava asked, almost eagerly, realizing she hadn't heard from him since last night.

"Probably at home, still in bed. After we got back and saw you were home, he took off with a bottle. He wouldn't talk to us. You know how it is trying to get through to him when he's upset."

Ava shook her head. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you come."

"We shouldn't have let you go." Dahlila pressed her lips together again, and Ava huffed in amusement. "We saw Layton, that woman, and another guy come through the club together... It was downright terrifying." Her eyes widened at Ava. "And when we saw him taking off with you, we didn't know what was going on. We couldn't get back quick enough. And next thing we knew we were being ushered all the way out by these creeps." She leaned down on the counter, looking down. "I'm glad you were safe when we got back, and that he got you out of there... Even in his own little way..." She was trying to be nice. "But to be honest, Ava. That guy gives me nightmares. I'm sorry. I really am, but he does."

"Don't be sorry, Dahlila."

"For the life of me, I don't see what you see in him. I just know you do see something, something you're terrified to lose. Maybe you know what it is. Maybe you don't. But I know you're worried sick that he had something to do with our friends, and it will destroy everything. Believe me when I tell you, I feel awful you have to go through that. So, just know we're here for you."

Ava wasn't sure she'd be able to feel the same way if she were in Dahlila's shoes.

Ava stood, inhaled, and put her arm around Dahlila's neck, pulling her into her so that their foreheads were touching. "Thank you, so much. I don't deserve you." Ava went outside to the front porch and took a seat on the step. She put her head down to think.

There had been a note sitting there on her pillow from Layton when she'd woken up this morning... Tonight, you get your wish. All walls are coming down. I'll find you later.

Right now it was the calm before the storm.

The day wasn't chilly — the sun was out strong, and she wore an airy t-shirt, comfortable baggy jeans, and her fitted cap on backwards. She'd been hoping the sun would make her feel better, but it was just too loud. She threw her head back in exasperation and put her hat over her eyes.

The library was reopening later on, and she was supposed to be there. All the work she had put in with getting the library in order and finding vendors for the tents was just a blur. But that had been her life since Layton. Everything else was in the background. Sometimes she found herself coming to a rare clarity and sitting there wondering when the hell a certain thing had happened she barely remembered or feeling like she'd been submerged underwater for a week.

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