Chapter 32 Don't Fear the Reaper pt.6

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Prey my ass, more like praying mantis, Ava thought, setting up the next trap — camouflaged as indifference.

She plopped down the radio outside and hit the play button for The Black Keys, Tighten Up, to come on loud, and prepared her paint cans. She knew he liked that song. The ladder she'd set up earlier was old and extremely large, and waited in its spot for her, where she'd paint a couple of the conservatory windows — very high up.

The bottom of one of its legs was sawed through enough so that when she shifted just right on the ladder, it'd go teetering down on the grass, taking her with it, a broken bone or few likely.

She had to be very careful not tip it until she knew he was watching, and he had to be far enough away for the test to work. If she couldn't get up there at the right time, he'd be sent across the yard for something. This would give a great view of his reflexes then, and there was no way he wouldn't try to make it to her before she hit bottom. If this was all in her head... well, she'd be grateful she didn't ask him, and if she had to suffer a few broken bones, it wouldn't be as bad as getting put in a cast from shoulders to toes from jumping out of a window, and then suffering through the ridiculousness of Jason, Keya, and Zo trying to help her escape out of the hospital when she could barely even move her arms.

Ava looked up from mixing the paint to see his head bob around the corner of the house with a frown and she had to bite down a laugh, turning from him quickly before he saw the smile breaking from her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I don't have time to play chase today." Ava brushed past him. "I have a list of things I want to get done, and I'm tired of not getting things done. There's windows out here I've been wanting to paint with a special paint for a long time now. I've seen it somewhere; it's beautiful when the light reflects through it — and I want it done before it's too cold! Plus, there's a painting inside that needs to be finished tonight for the café tomorrow. So, if you'll excuse me."

She noticed him eyeing the ladder sideways. Then he asked, "What are you doing with that?" His attention turned sharply to her when she didn't answer. He continued to probe. "You're not going to use that to get up there, are you?"

She nodded. "Mm, hm."

A deep crease appeared between his brows. "No, you're not."

It took extra work to keep her face composed as she looked up at him. "I am. Why?"

His face was very serious. "I don't like the look of it." He turned to it incredulously. "How old is that?"

"It's fine. We use it all the time," she lied, taking a step on it — she'd better get on with it before the both of them caved this trap in. "Can you get me the can of paint brushes? I set it on the side—" She felt a hand fist her clothes and pull her from the ladder. "Layton —"

"Are you mad? You're not going on that thing."

Ava felt the blood rush to her cheeks and pushed his hand from her. "Yes. I am. Get outta here."

"I don't think so."

She spun under his arm to make him retry for purchase and zoom out of his reach, but he grabbed her again before she could find enough distance. And then the ladder was becoming distant suddenly. Fucker! He had picked her up and brought her wriggling body across the yard, all the while curse after curse was being thrown with force at his head. He got her into some weird pretzel formation when she tried to wrestle him, and then he was off, going after the ladder before she could even untangle herself.

By the time she stood and started running towards it, he'd already thrown it to the ground. He stomped on it and pieces of wood flew up into the air like fireworks.

She stood there in surprise, panting, her cheeks flushed with blood.

"See. Breaks apart with one kick. Lucky I saved you from a broken neck." He looked up at her and her frowning face. Then he was coming for her again, putting her over his shoulder, and dragging her in the house, kicking and screaming.

Two traps down.

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