Chapter 47 Why Me? pt.3

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The coffee steamed up from between Dahlila and Danny's fingers as the news came on the TV, with Shane watching them miserably. They always looked too awake for how early they had gotten up, he thought. Red and blue lights were flashing from the broadcast, and the subway was on the screen. The three of them sobered up immediately at the sight.

"There's been an unfortunate tragedy here tonight that has claimed the lives of many," a woman proclaimed, holding the microphone to her red lips, the police lights flashing over her pristine white hair. "The exact cause has not been determined, but the police say there were at least ten casualties found at the wreckage. As you can see here, an extreme force of nature has caved this area of the ground in, with portions landing on the homeless of the area that found shelter there, along with runaways who have been known as missing — some for over decades. A vicious storm has passed overhead in what can only be Mother Nature's mercy: wild and unforgiving."

Shane jumped up, panicky.

"Chill out, Shane," Danny said, sitting up. "We don't know if she was there. She said she'd never go back there after that fight. And what the hell is this chick talking about? There wasn't any storms last night... right?"

"This is Ava we're talking about, dude."

"He's right," Dahlila agreed. "She probably would."

"All right." Danny rubbed his head. "Let's start making phone calls. See if anyone knows anything. We really need to talk her into getting a phone."

"Yeah. Petition to just buy one and tie it to her before she leaves in the mornings."

Dahlila looked up at Shane with a tired expression.

"What? I'm not trying to be funny! Maybe we can get her one of those fanny packs they liked in the eighties to put it in." Shane looked out the window and he could have sworn he saw that demon bitch out there — now there was nothing as he whipped his head back and forth to find her. He moved away from the window, fidgeting. "Shit's gettin' weird."

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