Chapter 61 THE END - Requiem for a Dream

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Ava sprang up — stilling quickly when the soft sunlight brushing into the room hit her. She was warm and dry and felt better than she had in a while. Oh God! She'd gone completely crazy! That felt more than a nightmare, but this felt more than a dream.

Her body was comfortable in a plush cream sweater, a loose skirt with cotton leggings underneath, and soft socks, and she was on top of Dahlila's sea of linen comforters. Dahlila was asleep next to her. Shane was fast asleep in a wicker chair near the bed. Warm relief washed through her. But were they real?

If they were, then she was losing time again. He had messed her head up good.

Then she remembered the false memories... They didn't know her like she knew them... Without them seeing how much she had warmed up to them, they'd only see a cold lunatic, spending all of her time with another lunatic. But Layton hadn't made all her memories with them, so there was still something to hold on to. The question was, did she belong with them?

Her eyes trailed down to her wrist, looking for proof of Layton's existence. There was a bite mark there, but it was closed and beginning to scar. That was real and some time ago now. She had given her all and was left raw; a part of her had died away with him.

But where death was, she would make life again — from sheer determination to keep her heart beating, to stay away from that dreadful numbness, the numbness that would not allow love. No. Nothing more would take that from her again. Her heart beat strong and stubbornly.

She looked at the mirror covering the closet door next to her. Her hair was vibrant red again, and she seemed different somehow, but the reflection didn't repel her.

Outside the window, the snow was falling in white wisps, and she smiled and looked back at Dahlila and Shane. They slept so quietly and still; they were almost as peaceful as if they were dead...

After the first time Ava had ever come across a dead body, she hadn't let anyone sleep peacefully for a year. Every time it seemed Jason, Keya, and Zo were too still, too peaceful, she had run over to them and shaken them awake madly. That's what she wanted to do right at the moment, and was just about to but then —

"What's up, scrappy doo?"

Ava looked up to see Danny leaning on the doorframe, the window's light gleaming behind him, his face soft and rested. She had no idea she'd ever miss such dumb jokes, and her lips widened nearly to her ears. Something must have held or grown in the time of her memory loss if he cared for her enough to joke, and that made Ava's eyes burn as she went over to him, trying to keep from putting him in a bear hug — she settled for messing up his hair excitedly. All was not lost.

"I told you those jokes of yours are horrible. Give it up."

"Eh, I don't give up so easily," he said. "But... maybe it's time."

"Wanna go for that run?" Wait, they hadn't ever run together? But they could start now.

"Maybe later, girl. I got somewhere to be. But do me a favor and keep an eye on these two, will you? Things have only just begun to get shook up and I realize now that you will protect 'em."

The doorbell rang.

"No, don't leave — I need to talk you. It's important. Wait here for a second."

The doorbell rang again and Ava sped to it before it woke anyone, but with a tight chest, wary of what could be on the other side of the door. But when she swung the door open, she was stunned.

Jason smiled. "Hi, Ava..."

"J-Jason?" Worlds colliding again — no.

Two shadows came from the dark behind him into the light of the doorway. Keya and Zo leaned on the door on either side of him.

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