Chapter 7: Bestfriend

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Chapter 7: Bestfriend


Cielo and I walked together towards the kitchen, our arms linked. I was looking for the good stuff when the real good stuff appeared before me.

"Hey Theo! Glad you could come!" Hunter said with a smile. 

He honestly looks hotter than hot cheetos. He was wearing a black leather jacket, and a white shirt that hugged his muscular body. 

"You look great!" He complimented and I didn't even bother to say thanks because of the blaring music. He looks at Cielo and extended a hand towards him. "Hunter. And you are..?"

"Cielo! Nice to meet you." Cielo introduced as he took his hands.

"Aren't you the guy I saw when... Reign accidentally poured coffee on Theo?" Hunter asked. 

Cielo nodded with recognition. Then he turned away from Hunter to me. 

He whispered to my ear. "Can we go somewhere else quieter?" 

I looked at him and nodded. "Talk to you later, Hunter." I excused as Cielo dragged me away, up the stairs and into a less crowded hallway. 

"We need to do our plan now. I don't think Reign cares if I'm with you. So you better find someone else. Quick." He said to me. 

I nodded again. I broke away from him as I began finding someone else to cling to.

After a few minutes of trying to find someone I know. I gave up and got myself a cup of iced tea. Reign had her house catered with different kinds of foods. When suddenly. Someone sat beside me. The heat of their body tells me they're very close. 

I turned around to see Luke. I smiled at him. "Hey Luke!" I greeted to which he returned. "What's up?" I asked him as I bit into a cupcake.

"Not much. How are you holding up?" He asked.

I finished chewing and drank my iced-tea. "Great! It's fun so far." I said. 

I still don't know what's about to down later, so I'm keeping guard. 

"Well, since I found you here, some of us are setting up a game at the living room later. I'll save you a seat." He said as he stood up and finished his drink. 

I thanked him as he took his leave. I stood up also and decided to join the little dart game some of them were playing, partly because Hunter was there.

He waved me over and I walked up to him. He slung an arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him as he cheered to someone who had done a perfect shot. We watched everyone take turn.

Eventually, it was Hunter's turn. He closed one of his eyes and focused real hard before shooting and getting the perfect shot. 

The crowd gasped. "Woah, good one!" I said as the crowd and I clapped.

"Well, it's your turn Willshire!" Someone screamed and I took the dart and started to aim. 

Before I could shoot it, Hunter lightly grasped my hand.

"Your grip should be firm but relaxed. Don't fist your hand." He said. "Raise the dart to eye level." He added, fixing my arm. His breath lightly fanning my neck. "Then shoot directly, no other directions." 

And I did just that focusing my attention directly on the target. And when he signaled 'shoot', I did. The dart sailed through the air... And it sticks to the little red point in the very middle of the board. I cheered and so did everyone to my success. 

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