Chapter 30: Family Feud

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Chapter 30: Family Feud


It was already 5 PM and I'm still cleaning the last spot of the brown paint that quickly imbedded itself into the pesky wall. It was hard enough to brush the wall by itself but the wall had to be so rough that I had to pour twice the effort I should be putting into brushing into the creases.

My arm started to burn so I stopped, sighing loudly and throwing the brush with force into the bucket in frustration. I wiped the perspiration that was starting to drip from my brows with the back of my hand only for it to drip down again.

I whined quietly so that no one hears how much of a weak bitch I am. I sat on the soft grass that wasn't wet from so much water I splashed, resting my elbows on my knees.

My friends are probably in their homes, so cozy under their blankets, eating the most delicious foods while I'm suffering for something I didn't even do. But this is my choice, to at least repair some damage.

As I was preparing for another round of scrubbing, the football team exited the football field and with Hunter of course. I decided to keep cleaning since he's probably not gonna see me.

I heard my name being called and I turned to see him running towards me. 

"How you doing?" He asked as he wiped his temple with his towel.

I raised my cleaning supplies with a smile. "My friends and I are having a good time." 

He sighed. "You know, you didn't have to do this. You didn't even vandalize this wall."

"I offered to do this, Hunter. Unfortunately, I can't just drop all of this and run away."

"Do you want me to help? I can help?"

Before he could even move an inch, I held up a hand, stopping him. "No! I don't want to drag you into this. Besides, I'm almost done." I reassured.

He looked at me with puppy-doe eyes, pouting his lips. "Come on, Theo. Let me help you." He said with a pleading voice.

I laughed which also made him laugh. "Nah, I can do this." I reassured once again.

Before I could continue my cleaning, he stepped forward and started to wipe my sweating face with his towel. His towel smelled heavenly, It's probably weird to think that but I'm just telling the truth.

I smiled gratefully. "Thank you. Now go home! Don't suffer here with me."

He gave me a 'duh' look. "No way. You're not gonna be alone, I'll be waiting for you so I can drive you home." He ruffled my hair before sitting on the edge of the fountain.

I shrugged then continued cleaning. Once in a while looking at Hunter when he laughs or when he cough. He's... He's just so sweet and I can't not think that he's just doing this as a friend. 

As I was cleaning the last brown spots on the wall. I looked again at Hunter to find him staring at me, when he saw me looking at him, he waved vigorously with a huge, happy grin. I laughed as I turned back to cleaning. I swear, my heart exploded of happiness just from that.

What is he doing to me?


I entered my home, my shoulders slumped and tired. My mother was cooking in the kitchen while my sister was watching something in the TV. 

I dropped my bag on the floor beside my feet, the loud sound ringing through the house which made the two look my way.

"Mom. We have to talk." I said.

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