Chapter 38: Disastrous Outrage

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Chapter 38: Disastrous Outrage


At the Winter Ball...

"Shut the fuck up!" Rhea screamed before her lips formed a smile.

I blinked a couple times, trying to process what was happening. "Rhea, w-what's happening to you?" I asked as I stalked closer.

"What? We're having fun! Let's dance!" She said as she started to jump up and down, her dress starting to rip from her heel stepping on it whenever she landed.

I touched her shoulder gently when she suddenly turned on me, her arms shooting forwards. I attempted to dodge but it wasn't enough, she gripped my shoulders then shook me aggressively, making me dizzy.

"Look! You're having fun!" She cheered out as I my vision swirled.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw Athena and Masha pulling her away from me as my vision continued to swirl. 

The moment I was free, I staggered backwards before I lost my balance. A pair of arms caught me before I fell on the floor and supported me as I felt the throw up rising in my throat.

Rhea suddenly broke free of Athena and Masha's grip, she started to turn every table she saw, she also ripped and destroyed the decorations around her.

She laughed as she continued to dance. "This is so fun!" She said before a couple boys stopped her and led her away and out of the room. 

"Theo, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice of a boy ask and it just happen to come from the boy who caught me.

"Hnng..." I moaned out as my vision started to stabilized. 

Hunter steadied me but his hands never left my back. "Let's get some fresh air." 

He led me outside, the cold air already making me feel better. "You okay?"

I nodded as I blinked a couple of times, adjusting to my restored vision. "Y-Yeah, I'm still pretty dizzy but I..." I trailed off as my vision swirled further.

"Just breathe, Theo. I'm here if you fall." Hunter's soothing voice said.

I tore my gaze away from the view of the quad to him. "If I fall?" I repeated which made him look away in remorse.

I sighed and gently removed his hand from my back, his expression going hurt for a second before nodding.

After a few minutes, I spoke. "I'm more shocked than hurt."

He nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I wonder what happened to her?"

"Your guess is as good as mine... but I'm wondering why'd she target me?" I asked more to myself with a frown as Hunter rubbed my back soothingly.

Hunter smiled reassuringly before opening his arms. "Here." He said with a gentle nod and I hugged him tightly, savoring the feeling being in his arms.

"Theo! Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Mal suddenly bursted from the doors and towards me.

I held up a hand to reassure her. "I-I'm fine, Mal." 

"What the hell came over her anyway? She was fine just earlier this night!" 

I shrugged with matching confusion with her. 

"Let's go anyway, if you're feeling okay, we can go back to impressing our schoolmates." She said before beckoning me inside. I waved my goodbye to Hunter before following Mal inside.

The party continued around us, the strange situation already forgotten. I was still shook from what happened, literally.

After two hours of talking to people, I leaned on a wall to catch my breath, a hand suddenly but gently grazed my elbow and I looked to see Hunter there again, a worried look on his face. 

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