Chapter 7. The Graduation Test.

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A/N: So I ended up writing this chapter out right after I finished the last one so their isn't that few days-week gap between the chapters. I've been trying to get a chapter out every few days and I'll try to keep it that way for now. I do still have college work I need to do so I can't make any promises.

Anywho, enjoy~

Rose's POV:

It's been 4 years since I woke up that day and I had just barely turned 12 years old. I was slightly younger than Sasuke but only by about half a year. Over the past 4 years, I had settled in to this new life and my time at the orphanage seemed like a distant dream but every now and then I would be reminded that it really had happened. That weird sense of Da Ja Vu I would get every now and then where I'd witness scenes I had already seen happen or heard about from my last life would remind me that I didn't originally belong to this world. Or did I?

I was currently sat next to Sasuke as per usual at the academy with no Iruka in sight. I looked out the window to see the beautifully painted faces of the Hokage and failed to suppress a giggle causing Sasuke to take notice and look over to me with a questioning look while staying silent. He had gotten colder over the past four years and he still held that unrelenting thirst for revenge but he was still kind to me and would smile a lot more when others weren't looking.

He hadn't changed completely and he was my closest friend.

I covered my mouth to suppress my laughs while I pointed out the window making Sasuke look over and finally notice Naruto's masterpiece. "Tch, so that's why Iruka's late. What a Dobe."

"Yeah, but you can't deny it takes skill to be able to do that in baud daylight and not get caught strait away! haha!" I had always wondered how Naruto had managed to do that with a village full of highly skilled ninja surrounding him and still be able to evade them for so long. He may not be very skilled in the classroom but he excels at the things he's passionate about, its a shame others can't see this.

"Naruto? Skilled? You must be joking." Sasuke said as though I had just told him the moon was a donut. I was laughing at the weird face he was making when the door was kicked open and Iruka threw a tied up Naruto into the classroom catching everyone's attention.

"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto! You failed the graduation test last time, AND the time before that! Tomorrow you've got another chance and your messing up again!" Iruka berated, taking the chance while Naruto was incapacitated to lecture him and try to force some logic in that thick skull of his.

"Humph!" Naruto just huffed and looked away, too stubborn to listen. haha, Iruka looks so pissed!

"FINE! Because YOU missed it Naruto, everyone will review the transformation Jutsu!" The class broke into a chorus of groans and complaints at the news as we all started to get up out of our seats to get into an orderly line, our classmates sending Naruto loving glares his way as they passed.

We all got into line with Sakura at the front, next being Sasuke and me behind him. I also had the pleasure of having a moping Naruto behind me as Sakura was called up to perform the Jutsu.

"Alright Sakura here! Lets do it! Transform!" Performing the Rat hand sign, she yelled out the Jutsu causing am eruption of smoke to surround her and after it settles, a replica of Iruka stood where she once was. Why d you have to introduce yourself? We know who you are. And why the hell are you yelling?

"Transformed into me. Good." With another burst of smoke, Sakura returned to her original form and screeched out "YEAH! I DID IT! YEAH, YEAH!" Damn, calm down! Why the hell are you so happy about something like that?! 

The Survivor Who died || original. - rewrite on profile.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon