Chapter 17. Battle For Dreams!

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A/N: How is it that a cat so small, can take up half of a queen sized bed? Even if i move her, she just laid down somewhere lese taking up as much space is she possibly can. She has no shame!

Roses POV:

"Now that I've come, you're all right!" Naruto declares arrogantly with a smirk on his face as he looks over at the bleeding figures of me and Sasuke. 

"oh!" Tazuna is surprised but joyful and Sakura yells in excitement with  sile on her face "Naruto!" Looks like she's starting to appreciate him a little more...

"The hero of the story generally appears in this kind of situation and takes out the enemy in no time!" Naruto continues to grin and points at us victoriously while everyone here who has any sense starts to think similar thoughts...

What an idiot... he's completely blown his element of surprise jus to make himself look cool...

"All right, here I go! Shadow Clone jutsu...!"

"Huh!? Oh no!" I heard Kakashi's voice yell out and looked over in his direction jut in time to see Zabuza turn around and hurl a hand full of shuriken towards Naruto without hesitation! The Poor sucked had no time to dodge. "Get out of the way Naruto!"

"Gahh!!!" Naruto screamed and remained where he stood, directly in the time of fire however before the shuriken could hit their mark, they were intercepted my senbon mid flight!

"Whoa!" Everyone exclaimed in shock at the sight and Zabuza was also perplexed "What?!"

The metal projectiles fell to the ground with a clatter and Naruto looked between them and Haku with sweat on his brow.

"He's saved..." Sakura breathed out. "To think the enemy attacks would cancel each other out... that was super lucky..." Tazuna said with relief but I screwed my brows together with concern, knowing the truth, though I too left relief that my friend was unharmed.

"That had nothing to do with luck." I breathed out but nobody outside the dome could hear me. Sasuke looked up at me curiously for a second before he realized what I was on about, a shocked look washed over his face once again.

"Hey! What're you doing, Naruto?!"

"Hey! What kind of idiot would attempt to cast a Jutsu directly in front of an opponent!?" Kakashi scolded firmly with glare Naruto recoiled in shock, not expecting this kind of reaction to his seemingly 'heroic' actions. "What?!"

"The essence of a Ninja is deception. How you deceive you opponent. Even casting one Jutsu, you avoid the eyes of your opponents, catch them off balance, and outsmart them... The way you made your entrance earlier, that's just you coming to be  target...!" Kakashi lectured, eyes narrowed towards Naruto and Zabuza and Haku just watched everything from the side-lines, in astonishment or amusement I wasn't quite sure. It could have easily been both.

"N-Nooo! But I went to the trouble of coming to the rescue." Naruto cried out and held his head in defeat, wailing dramatically.

"What concerns me more than that is..." Kakashi said lowly and shifted his gaze towards Haku who remained crouched on the ground, watching the exchange calmly.

"Haku... What's the idea?" Zabuza asked and narrowed his eyes at his companion. I could tell he didn't expect Haku to have betrayed him in any way, but was simply confused by his actions. Cute...

"Zabuza, leave this kid to me... Please let me fight this battle my way." Haku pleaded making Naruto confused as he raised his guard "What did you say...?"

"So you mean no interfering... Haku?" Haku remained silent but that in itself affirmed Zabuza's question for him. "You're naïve... as usual..." Yet you still let him do what he wants...

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