Chapter 10. Genin Vs Puddle!

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A/N: I think I've completely messed up my sleeping cycle. I find it hard to fall asleep anyway but right now, I feel completely awake even at 3-4 o clock in the morning and when I try to sleep, I can't until around 6 or 7, and wake up just before 12. Maybe I should do an all nighter and not sleep and trick myself into sleeping at a more appropriate time tomorrow? 

Anyway~ I hope you enjoy the chapter... Zzz~

Rose's POV:

"Sasuke here at point B!"

"Sakura here at Point C!"

"Rose here at point D!"

"..." There was a pause in the line for a short while until Naruto replied.

"Naruto here. I'm at point A! Believe it!" 

"You're too slow Naruto! Okay, team seven...Hm!?"

A blurred shadow raced through the trees making it hard to identify what kind of creature it was.

"The Target has moved! Follow it!"

We quickly followed the target, making sure we remained unseen. "Alright! It's over there!"

"What's your distance from the target?"

"Five meters!" I can go at anytime!" Naruto reported in rather loud whisper as to not alert the target and the others reported after him. "I'm ready too!" "Me, too...!"

"Wait, no! The targets disappeared again! Where is it!?" Naruto panicked through the earpiece and everyone began to search for the missing target. "Quick! Does anyone have eyes on the target?" Kakashi asked seriously.

"Target spotted, 0 meters!" from my spot in the tree overlooking the forest, sat in front of me was a brown stripped cat with a red ribbon tied to its right ear. We both sat there staring at each other unblinking for a good few minutes until the cat finally blinked.

"Hn." I smirked. I win.

"Meow" Seeing my smug look, the cat looked irritated and meowed in defeat before walking up to me and brushing its head against my leg making me chuckle. I was about to reach my hand out to pet it when a loud shout blared through the earpiece making me quickly cover my hands over my ears which had no effect.

"I GOT IT!" Naruto roared as he came diving through the trees and tackled the innocent cat and roughly landed on the forest floor holding the cat above his head in victory. This only seemed to make the cat furious as it scratched Naruto's face into ribbons in a desperate attempt to save its life from the savage idiot.

"GAHH!" Naruto screamed out in pain as I jumped down and pried the cat from his clutches and held it gently get securely in my arms and stroked its bac slowly to calm it down. "I HATE CATS!"

"Meow! Hiss~!" The cat spat and hissed at Naruto, trying to get a few more swipes in. 

"Well apparently, cat's hate you too." I said amused while Naruto and the cat glare at one another.

"Does the target have the ribbon on his right ear...? Are you sure it's our target Tora?" Kakashi's voice came through the earpiece. "It's the target, no mistake." Sasuke affirmed and stroked Tora's head who was laid comfortably in my arms still glaring at the scratched up Naruto.

"Alright, the mission to capture the lost pet "Tora" is complete!" Kakashi finalised.

"ISN'T THERE A MISSION WITH A GREATER SENSE OF URGENCY!?" Naruto once again screamed through the intercom making all of us wince. Out of reflex, I took off the earpiece and threw it away, clutching my ears in pain. "DAMN IT NARUTO! DON'T SHOUT WHEN YOUR WEARING AN EARPIECE! WE CAN HEAR YOU JUST FINE!" I yelled, my hands still covering my ears while i waited for the ringing to stop.

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