Chapter 8. Team Of Misfits.

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A/N: I Have AWOKEN! I usually go on a website called 'watchcartoonsonline' to watch the dubbed version while I write but since I finished the last chapter, the website had temporarily blocked all the videos for free users so I'd have to sign in as a premium user to watch anything. I've changed to Crunchyroll and I'm now going off the subbed version of Naruto so I thought I might as well mention it.

Anyway, enjoy~

Rose's POV:

I woke up early the next morning and managed to drag myself out of bed. I made myself some breakfast and double checked I had everything ready. Todays the day...

today was the day were would all be assigned teams who we would be working with from now on. That is if we manage t pass their test and not get sent back to the academy. URGH. I have no idea who's team I'm gonna be on but if I get put on a team that doesn't include the original rookie 9 then theirs a good chance I'm gonna be sent back to the academy right off the bat

I had been obsessing over which team I would end up of for ages... whichever team I'm put on would effect a large part of my life.

Would I be on team 8 with Hinata, Kiba and Shino?...No, I don't think so. I don't think I'd be placed on a sensory team...

Could it be team 10 with Ino, Shikamaru and Choji?...No, not them either. They've already got the InoShikaCho formation which is why they were placed on the same squad to begin with so an extra member would mess that up...

Or perhaps team 7 with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura?...I'd have to say that would be my best bet so far. With me being an Uchiha a well as one of the top students in the class, theirs a god chance I'll be put under Kakashi.

I had a hand placed and my chin as I was lost in my thoughts when a knocking sound brought me back to reality. I snapped out of it and walked over to my front door and opened it to see Sasuke stood waiting there for me. "Oh, your awake! I guess miracles really do happen!" he said with a mocking smirk.

"Hey! Even I can wake up early too ya' know!" I pouted and picked up my bag before closing the door behind me and locking it, not like it would stop anyone if they really wanted to get in but it had become a force of habit.

"You ready?" Sasuke asked and I nodded, giving him a confident look before we both set off towards to academy to start our first day as ninja.


When we arrived, we were some of the first people there so we both calmly took our seats by the window. Sasuke decided to stare off into space and brood about vengeance and I leaned back and closed my eyes trying to get a bit more rest before everyone else arrived and things started to get rowdy.

I hadn't closed my eyes for long before I sensed movement beside me so I opened my right eye slightly and took a peek at whoever had appeared. Sat next to me was Naruto with a shit eating grin on his face and a blue headband proudly sat on his forehead just like everyone else. I smiled at the sight. Well done Naruto.

Shikamaru came walking down the isle but as he passed by Naruto , he stopped in his tracks when he noticed him "What the--? Why are you here? Todays meeting is for graduates only." he said matter-of-factly.

"Hey, don't you see this headband? As of today, I'm a Ninja too!" Naruto pointed to his forehead with his thumb in an exaggerated manor all while grinning from ear to ear. "How can I put it, it really suits me." He began adjusting his headband, trying to make it as noticeable as he possible could and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a familiar Hyuga smiling with a slight blush towards the hyperactive blond idiot. 

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