Chapter 2

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Nervous was mild to describe how Sophie was feeling as she made her way to the address Daniel had texted her. The moment she'd seen 'banana island', nerves like she'd never felt before had sprung up out of nowhere. Ama had tried her best to calm her down but even she had been nervous even though she wasn't the one going for the interview.

After getting down from the cab, she knocked on the gate of the house she presumed was the address described to her. The gate opened and the gatekeeper frowned at her, "Ehn ehn?"

"Good morning. My name is Sophia, I have an interview with Mr Adams this morning."

"Oookay, is you... Ehn oya come inside," he replied as he opened the door wider to let her in. "Go ring the bell... them go answer you."

"Okay, thank you," she replied as she made her way to the door. I can do this, she repeatedly whispered within herself as she rang the doorbell.

The door opened about five minutes later and a tall, good looking and well built man opened the door, "You must be miss Sophia, am I right?"

"I am. Good morning sir," she replied timidly. Was this Mr Adams? He didn't look much older than she was, probably around twenty five or something. He was light skinned, his hair was cut really low which really suited his face and he was tall, probably around six feet. There was no doubt he was gorgeous. Ama would definitely want to meet him.

He nodded, "I'm Raymond Adams, but you can just call me Ray. Please, come in."

"Thank you, sir," she replied as she followed him inside. Jesus Christ of Nazareth! This place is expensive! In all twenty two years of her life, Sophie had definitely never seen a house so huge or so beautiful or so well furnished. The walls of the house were painted white, the chairs were so white that she was afraid to sit in case she might taint them. The staircase leading upstairs were a perfect spiral that she felt she might just trip if she ever tried to go up. Different artworks hung on the walls, obviously expensive though there wasn't a single picture frame in sight. Sophie had never felt so intimidated by something so inhuman in her life.

Her thoughts must have been clear by the expression on her face because Raymond chuckled, "The house is nice, isn't it?"

"Nice is a very mild word for it," Sophie muttered in response.

He smiled, "Thank you. Please, have a seat."

She did as asked and took a seat on one of the oh so perfect chairs, "Thank you, sir."

"Ray, not sir."

"Okay sir... Ray sorry," she quickly amended, chuckling nervously.

"It's okay. So I'll get straight to the point, I heard you're fresh out of the university. To be honest, I would have preferred someone with experience because my brother can be a little difficult to handle and may prove a bit too much for someone like you."

"I assure you, I'm more than capable sir. I'm a first class graduate and I'm very good with people." She was aware that she was very close to rambling but she had to get this job.

"And I'm sure you are. You see, my brother had an accident, a bit fatal and he's wheelchair bound for now. The doctors are going to discharge him tomorrow and he's been recommended three months of complete rest. Knowing my brother though, that's going to be very hard so that's why I need you. I need someone who would keep an eye on him, make sure he rests and takes his medications and of course someone who would be able to know if he's having problems at all."

"Okay... Are we talking older or younger brother here sir?" Sophie asked.

"Older. Do you have a problem with that?" He replied.

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