Chapter 12

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Sophie stared at him, baffled at what he'd just revealed to her.

"You're what?"

"I think you heard me the first time and I'm sure you know what it means," he replied sarcastically.

"You're... Oh, wow. That explains a lot." Like the time she'd seen him cough up blood. "So that's what your drugs are for?"

He nodded.

"And why are you hiding it from your family? Is it very serious? Do you need surgery?"

"No, it's mild and I don't need surgery but I doubt Raymond will understand that. He already has a lot on his plate and I don't want to add to his worries." He continued before she could say anything, "Fatigue and body weakness are part of the symptoms and I run high temperature at times. Andrew knows about it and he assures me it's fine, I'm getting better and they'll stop overtime. so there's really no need to raise alarm over this. I'll be fine once I sleep it off."

That lessened her worry a bit but not completely. Another question nagged at her, "So where does the whole wheelchair charade come in?"

He let out an exasperated sigh as if he expected her to have figured it out already. "I told you I have occasional body weakness and I expend less energy on a wheelchair than when I walk around. Also, I need a reason to go to the hospital for checkups and it seemed like the perfect cover."

"Okay..." Sophie nodded slowly, digesting what he said. "So when exactly did you find out about your condition?"

"When I was involved in the accident."


He cut her off, "look, my head's still pounding and I'm tired so leave my room please."

"You can be so rude at times," she blurted out without thinking, raising her hands to cover her mouth in shock.

He didn't give any indication that he heard her as he laid back down on the bed, turning his back to her.

She knew he'd already dismissed her but she couldn't just leave him like this. She was his nurse and was supposed to take care of him, right? But he'd already taken painkillers so there wasn't much else she could do and she had promised not to call the doctor so... Sighing, she got up and quietly left his room.

* * *
Alex was more than grateful she had left because her questions had become almost unbearable. Even half asleep, he could still feel his head pounding. Groaning, he was about to turn again when he felt something soft and cool on his forehead.

Startled, he opened his eyes to see Sophie had placed a wet towel on his head. He hadn't even heard her come in.

"There's nothing much I can do but I just felt maybe this will make you feel better?" She looked almost shy as she used the towel to dab round his face.

Alex stared at her unabashedly. When he'd first met her, he'd pegged her as timid and spineless and had been very certain she wouldn't last long but her actions overtime had surprised him. She was way more than he'd expected. He didn't know if he found that good or bad.

She must have been feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny because she started fidgeting. She was about to move the towel to his neck but he clamped his hands over hers, stopping her.

Her eyes almost budged out of their socket as her gaze shifted to their hands then to his face.


Alex noticed her flush and the way her eyes darted almost everywhere but on him and their joined hands, somewhat amused. If he didn't know better, he'd think she was attracted to him but he knew better. There was something between her and his brother and though he didn't know the details, he knew they liked each other.

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