Chapter 3

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The stare down went on for about a minute before Alex finally decided to speak, "So what's your name again?"

"It's Sophia, sir. Omotilewa Sophia," Sophie replied.

She was sure he was going to lash out at her, probably insult her and try to force her to leave so she was surprised when all he did was nod and turn his attention back to the magazine. The girl just stood there with her arms crossed, watching her.

Sophie had never felt so awkward in her life. What was she supposed to do? Sit? Keep standing? Ask about his health? Had he taken his drugs already? Was he on a special diet? Why hadn't she asked the doctor that? Why--

"Are you just going to stand around all day?" Alex's deep voice cut off her thoughts, his attention once again focused on her.

"I, sir...Is there anything you'd like for me to do?" Sophie stammered.

He raised a brow at her, "You tell me. What exactly is your job description?"

"The doctor said--"

"I heard what the doctor said. What are your hours?"

"Sir?" Sophie frowned, confused.

"How many hours are you being paid to work in a day? How many days in a week?"

"I..." How many hours? Sophie really didn't know. She'd been so overwhelmed by the amount of money they were paying that she hadn't asked about the details as thoroughly as she should have. She'd been afraid of asking too much questions in case they'd change their mind and decide they didn't want her.

"You don't know?" he asked incredulously.

Now, Sophie was beyond embarrassed. The expression he was wearing spoke clearly of what he thought of her; that she was a complete and utter moron.

"Never mind then. You can just sit and watch TV," he finally said, dismissing her.

Sophie felt he was being sarcastic and didn't really expect her to sit and watch TV so she remained standing even though that just made her look more confused.

After about a minute, he turned his attention back to her again, "Okay, what exactly is going on here?"

"I was just wondering...I mean, if you could just brief me about your condition..." she was cut off by the look he was giving her, "...never mind, sir."

Just what had she gotten herself into?

*     *     *
"Daddy, I'm hungry!"

About three hours later, they were all still in the living room. With the man thoroughly invested in whatever he was doing on his phone and the girl watching TV, none of them paid her any attention and except for the girl sharing her excitement about whatever was going on on TV with her dad occasionally, and when he'd had to take some drugs, it'd been mostly silent. Until now, of course.

Alex looked up from his phone and turned to his daughter, "hungry? You ate not too long ago."

The girl raised her brows at him, "Not too long ago as in almost five hours ago?"

"What?" he checked the time on his phone and realized it was almost two pm. "I didn't know so much time had gone."

"Yeah, dad. Again, I'm hungry."

Alex frowned, "Where's Kimmy though? I haven't seen her since I got back."

"Didn't uncle tell you? She quit."

"She quit? Why?" Alex asked

She shrugged, "I don't know."

"And it has nothing to do with you giving her a hard time?"

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