Chapter 9

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    With the weight of her sister's surgery off her shoulders, Sophie felt as light as feather and found she could breathe freely again. Now, she could afford to be a little selfish and do things for herself.

    Truth was, life had not been particularly fair to her. She'd practically seen herself through school 'cause the little her mum could afford to send her wasn't anywhere near enough to take care of her. Even with hairdressing and makeup, she'd had to take on menial jobs to support herself. She'd done laundry and even ran errands to keep herself afloat. Coupling that to schoolwork and trying to stay ahead in her studies, she'd hardly had time for herself nor could she afford any form of luxury. She'd had to grow up so fast and never had time to just be a teenager. She'd never even been in a relationship.

    Sophie wasn't stupid, she knew when her mum and sister came back, she'd have to resume the responsibility of taking care of them because her sister's sickness had really taken a toll on her mum's business and her shop was almost empty. Her mum had also taken a loan from their market women association and still had that to repay.

    Nevertheless, she was determined to live a little from now on. Her sister would have to take a year off to study and rewrite her UTME; thank God she already passed her WAEC examination. Sophie was hoping that would buy her enough time to get a good Job-- 'cause she couldn't live off the Adams forever and at least save up enough to help with her sister's admission. However, she was going to pace herself, go shopping once in a while and generally live a little.

    With time, she'd gotten used to her routine at work and she was almost comfortable. Alex still ignored her existence but she could dare to say Angel had somewhat warmed up to her. Sophie had been shocked when she had approached her one day and asked her to help with her homework. So shocked that she'd just sat gaping at the girl for the longest time. Angel had gotten annoyed and had almost walked away but Sophie had held her in place and agreed to help. From that day onward, it'd kind of became a routine for Sophie to help her with her homework before leaving.

    They had just finished another session and Angel was packing her books back into her bag while Sophie was tidying her things, getting ready to leave when Raymond came down from his room and joined Sophie on the chair. They both watched as the girl bounded up the stairs.

    Raymond turned to Sophie with a smile. "How did you do it?"

    Sophie frowned, confused. "Do what?"

    "She likes you. Trust me, it's no easy feat. You should have seen her with the helps we've had but then their refusal to come back should say a lot."

    Sophie just laughed, pleased. "I told you, kids like me."

    "Ahh." He laughed. "I see..."

    Sophie's expression turned serious. "Speaking of helps, I don't think you should look for one anymore. I really don't mind helping out here. I'll even come on Sundays so you won't be stressed out."

    He shook his head no. "No, it's fine Sophie. A friend of mine actually recommended someone to me. It's just things have been so hectic these past weeks that it wasn't really on my priority list, you know?"

    Sophie sighed, he didn't get it. "Look, your family has done so much for me and I just want to repay you in the little way I can. I know I don't have that much to offer but this...this I can do so please let me."

    Maybe it was her words or the vulnerability behind them but he relented. "Fine, but I'll pay you extra."



    "Look..." she interrupted him. "I want to do the little I can to help you out the way you've helped me out. Paying me extra won't allow me do that."

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