Chapter 10

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    Alex wasn't very thrilled with the idea of her moving in. If anything, he made it very obvious he wasn't pleased, at all. Well, she wasn't feeling too great about it either. He'd just have to deal. She also hadn't forgotten about the 'vomiting blood' incident, coupled with his charade of not being able to walk. She was determined to get to the bottom of it and this seemed like the best opportunity to.

    Angel though had actually seemed excited. She'd hastily pulled Sophie up the stairs into a spare room where she'd be staying leaving Alex staring after them in disbelief. The room was spacious, painted in white like every other part of the house she'd seen. There wasn't much in it, just a wardrobe, a double bed, a vanity table and a door Sophie guessed led to the bathroom and toilet. It was simple yet more than Sophie had ever seen growing up.

    Sighing, she flopped down on the bed, her mind occupied by way too many thoughts. On one hand, her thoughts lingered on Raymond. He hadn't even been gone a day but she missed him already, he was her one friend here and she wondered how she'd survive a whole month without him. Her thoughts then gradually drifted to Alex. Her thoughts were all sorts of jumbled when it came to him. She didn't have any idea what to make of him. She'd been so certain he hated her then he'd gone and paid for her sister's surgery. He also had secrets that for some reason, she really wanted to find out. But a part of her was also scared she didn't want to know what they were.

    She rubbed her eyes tiredly and snuggled into a pillow. So soft. She didn't know how the next few weeks would be like but she hoped she'd come out of it unscathed.

*     *     *
    "This smells really nice," Angel said, grinning as she sat down for lunch.

    Sophie smiled black at her. "It tastes just as good, try it."

    Angel nodded eagerly as she did as she was told, smiling from ear to ear. Now that she'd dropped the whole 'tough girl' act, Sophie found herself drawn in the more by the girl. She was just too adorable.

    Alex had been watching their exchange with a slightly surprised and thoughtful look, as if he couldn't quite believe that his daughter actually liked her.

    Angel finished her food faster than the both of them then let out a huge belch earning a stern glare from her dad and an amused chuckle from Sophie.

    "Sorry," she muttered sweetly, not looking sorry at all.

    Alex just shook his head at her.

    "Dad!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Let's play scrabble after lunch. It's been a long time since you played with me."

    He didn't look up from his food as he replied shortly, "No."

    "But daddy--" Angel whined.

    "I said no, Angel." He didn't shout at her but tone he used left no room for argument.

    The girl's mouth quivered, eyes filled with tears as she ran up the stairs.

    "Angel..." Sophie called then glared at Alex who sighed but didn't say anything.

    When it was obvious he wasn't going to do anything, she stood up and went up the stairs to Angel's room.

    Knocking, she said, "I'm coming in, Angel."

    Seeing as there was no response, she opened the door and entered. The sight of Angel curled up on the bed, sobbing into a pillow tugged at her heart.

    "Oh, baby," she cooed as she cradled the girl in her arms. "Shhh. Don't cry, Angel."

    "H-He hates me. Daddy h-h-hates me." Angel sobbed as she clung to Sophie.

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