Chapter 15

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Sophie didn't miss the change in Alex's attitude towards her. He'd become more relaxed around her and she had to admit it pleased her a lot more than it should have, her resolve to maintain her distance apparently out the window, along with her brains.

"Dad, you're cheating!"

"No, I'm not. You don't tell an elderly person they are cheating, Angel," he replied, trying to intimidate her to concession.

Angel rolled her eyes at her dad, "Not when they are cheating. Spag isn't a word, dad."

Sophie shook her head at the both of them who were currently in a face off. It was Saturday and after the promised day out which consisted only of Sophie and Angel-- Alex had gotten out of it using his leg as an excuse, cue the eyeroll-- Angel had decided she wanted to end the day by playing a game of scrabble, hence the argument.

Angel turned to Sophie who was watching their drama. "Aunt Sophie, please tell daddy here that spag isn't a word, at least not in scrabble."

Sophie shrugged playfully. "I don't play scrabble but if you say it's not a word, baby then it's not a word."

Angel threw a hand up triumphantly as Alex turned his glare on her. She shrugged again in response.

"Just admit your loss already, dad."

Alex grumbled as he grudgingly took back the tiles.

Cute, Sophie thought as she turned her attention away from them. Her phone rang almost on cue and she grinned when she saw who it was. She picked the call, standing up to give herself some privacy.

"Hello, mummy."

"Omotilewa mi." Sophie couldn't help the smile that plastered itself on her face at the sound of her mum's happy voice. Sophie loved the now vibrant tone of her mum's voice.

"How are you ma?" Sophie already knew the answer to her question.

"I'm great. Your sister's recovering so fast it brings tears to my eyes whenever I see how much better she looks everyday. I cannot tell you how happy I am."

"I know, mummy and I'm happy too."

"The treatment we're getting here, Tilewa... I've never experienced anything like this in my life. You really need to help me thank your boss. I don't even know why you won't give me his number so I can thank him myself."

Sophie gave a silent sigh. "Mum, we've had this conversation a million times. He doesn't feel comfortable with all the gratitude. I'm thanking him on your behalf and that's enough."

"I know but I just feel really grateful."

"Yes, mum. I understand."

"So how are you doing? Hope everything is good with you? And your boss, is he recovering well?"

"Yes, yes. Everything's going great, mum. I'm doing fantastic and my boss is just fine. Just focus on taking care of yourself and Hope, okay?"

"Speaking of Hope, she's here and she won't leave me alone. She wants to speak with you."

Sophie hadn't formed a reply before Hope's cheery voice rang out.


Sophie let out a laugh. "Nice to hear your voice too, Hope."

She could feel her sister grinning through the phone. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, dumdum."

"The doctor says I can go home in a few weeks time. To be honest, I'm feeling great as it is but apparently your boss says to keep me under observation for as long as possible so as to be sure there are no relapses."

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