Chapter 4

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On her way to work the next day, Sophie had managed to conjure from her mind every motivational quote she'd ever come across about being a strong woman and not letting anyone take her for a ride. She was feeling pretty confident when she finally arrived at her destination; she was going to stand up for herself. There was no way she was going to allow either father or daughter bully her into cowering today. She was here for a job and she was going to do it just right. Set your sights on the goal, two hundred and fifty thousand, she constantly reminded herself.

Taking a calming breath, she rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. Not more than a minute after, the door swung open and surprisingly it was Raymond standing in front of her. Her face broke into a smile and she greeted him warmly.

"Good morning, Sophie. How was your night?" he replied, gesturing for her to enter.

She did, glancing around the living room and seeing neither father or daughter around. Semi consciously, her shoulders sagged in relief that she didn't have to deal with them just yet. Turning her attention back to Raymond, she asked him, "Why are you not at work yet? I wasn't expecting to meet you here."

He shrugged, "I was waiting for you."

Her eyes widened and a blush crept up her cheeks at his response and how he'd said it like it was a normal thing. She stammered out her next words, "W-why?" She cringed at how squeaky her words sounded. What was wrong with her?

"Hmmm... To give you some moral support?" he grinned at her and her stomach flipped. He continued, "Actually, I had to make breakfast this morning and when I was done, I figured it won't be that long till you got here so I might as well wait for you."

"What about your appointment?"

He shrugged, he obviously had an habit of doing that, "I figured I was going to be running late so I rescheduled."

"Oh. I can resume earlier if you want," The offer was already out before she could think about it. Again.

"Really? You know you don't have to do that?" his eyes spoke otherwise though as it held so much hope that she couldn't take it back even if she wanted to.

She nodded, "Yes. I could come earlier and make breakfast instead so you'd have more time for yourself. At least until you get a new help?"

The smile that brightened up his face was enough to drive every residual doubt from her mind. Suddenly, he engulfed her in a hug, all the while grinning, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Sophie couldn't form a coherent response as her heart was beating so fast she feared he might actually hear it. She hastily pulled away from him and scrambled for something to say.

At that moment, Raymond checked his watch and his eyes widened, "Shoot! I have to go now. I'll see you when I get back, yeah?"

"S-sure," her reply was barely out before he rushed out of the house. Sighing, Sophie turned once again to the living room.

"Hello? Mr Adams? Angel?" She called.

No response.

"Is anybody home?" she called again but got no response. Surely Raymond would have let her know if no one was home? She made her way to the kitchen but there was no one there.

Frowning, she climbed up the stairs to go his room and knocked repeatedly. "Mr Adams? Hello?" There was still no response so she tried opening the door but the door was locked. There were three other rooms but she had no idea which was Angel's.

Frustrated, she went back down the stairs in time to hear a clattering sound to her left, she followed the sound around the stairs and in a far corner of the living room, she saw a door. She walked over and turned the doorknob, surprisingly the door opened and tentatively stepping in, she saw Alex in his chair, facing a small table. He was wearing his glasses, holding a book in his hands and at that moment, leaning down to pick up a small box that must have fallen. The room was also painted white and almost every inch of it was occupied by bookshelves filled with different kinds of books. A reader, Sophie mused.

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