Chapter 20

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    Raymond's 'surprise' return weighed heavily on Sophie's mind, but that wasn't what was denying her sleep. What was really keeping her up was the kiss she'd shared with Alex and then the stunning revelation after. Now that she somehow had her senses back, she wasn't as accommodating of the thought as she'd previously been.

    She couldn't really be falling in love with him, even the mere thought of it was laughable. She'd barely known him three months and... No, she concluded. She had just been caught up in the moment and that was it.

    But that kiss had been more than she'd ever experienced before, not that she had a whole lot of experience to begin with. She let out a wistful sigh as she turned around in her bed, cuddling up against her pillow. It felt strange really, sleeping alone in her bed when she'd been away from it for so long. She missed the warm feeling of a body next to hers. She missed him.
    But with Raymond back, things were bound to become awkward. She couldn't help thinking about how they'd left things between them before he left and now he was back. The whole thing was happening just as she had dreaded.

     Letting out another wistful sigh, she finally forced herself into willing those thoughts away.  She had a feeling she was going to need all of her energy for however the following day was going to unfold.

*     *     *
    She ended up getting only a minimal amount of sleep and she didn't wake up anticipating the day at all.

    She was still in a cranky mood even as she made breakfast for Angel and the girl must have sensed something was wrong because she had the good sense not to do anything to set her off.

    "So, Angel..." Sophie began tentatively.

    Angel raised her brows at Sophie, pointing the spoon she was holding to herself as if to ask 'me?'

    Sophie chuckled, earning a smile from Angel who dropped the spoon and said, "It looked like you were in a bad mood so..."

    Sophie let out a sigh. "How did you know about, you know... Me and your dad...?"

    "Oh, that." Angel shrugged, turning her attention back to the food like it was no big deal. "Well, one night, I came downstairs because I was thirsty and when I was going back to my room, I saw you entering daddy's room. I kinda started spying on you afterwards."

    Sophie nodded slowly, taking it in. "But you know it's not really--"

    Angel cut off her words, "You don't have to explain anything to me, aunt Sophie. I've also known for a while that dad can walk but I figured there must be a reason for everything, and that's why I didn't say anything. I mean, it was- is kind of weird but... You can explain to me when you're ready."
    Sophie couldn't resist smiling, her hand coming up to pat Angel lightly on the head. "How old are you again?"

    "Eleven but you know that already." Rolling her eyes, she stood up and continued, "I need to get ready, the bus will be here anytime soon."

    Raymond came down shortly after Angel left for school. She was in the living room, lying on the sofa, her eyes drooping slightly from the lack of sleep when she heard footsteps approaching. Her first thought was Alex, forgetting briefly that Raymond was back.

    On seeing him, her sleepiness dissipated slightly, replaced by something she could only identify as nerves. He was already dressed in a dark suit and he was holding his briefcase. All traces of the tiredness she'd seen the previous day was gone, leaving in it's wake a confident man who was obviously ready for business.

   His lips turned up in a smile when he saw her. "Good morning, Sophie."

    "M-morning," she stuttered, springing up quickly to her feet. "Hope you had a good night rest? You looked so tired yesterday."

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