Chapter 1

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Rita woke up late, she had forgot to set her alarm and now she was filled with regret as she got up from the bed thirty minutes later than she intended. Damn! She was going to be late for work and what was worse it was her first day .

She ran to the bathroom, splashed her face with cold water , unwrapped her afro hair from the scarf she had tied it with to prevent tangles and thanked the Lord that she had had the mind to comb her hair last night.

Rita quickly put on a nice white blouse paired with black pencil skirt and a pair of ballet flats. Puffing up her afro and adding a few final touches she left.
Rita arrived at the office thirty minutes past eight. She was an hour late, sweating and panting by the time she reached at her work floor. She grimaced when she caught a whiff of her sweat mixed with her perfume no doubt from all the running she did and no shower that morning. She grimaced disgusted with herself.
Walking into her office,she prayed that her boss would not notice her lateness. She observed that her workmates were not at their respective desks at all and the office was deathly quiet.
She smoothed her skirt as she sat down on her chair and wondered where everyone was just as an gnawing feeling settled in her gut.

Rita moved to boot her laptop when her phone buzzed ,a message from her workmate who she met in the elevator yesterday after her interview with her current boss and they exchanged numbers after striking a friendly conversation.
"Hey, where are you? We have waited for you for thirty minutes delaying this morning conference meeting. Mr. Bucks is seething. I'm afraid we'll have to start without you......"

Rita muttered a curse ,no one told her they had a damn meeting today , she was just told to report to work today ,though she showed up late. Shooting up from her desk so fast as a bolt of lightening,she run down the corridor to the conference room Zara had shown her yesterday in her effort to get acquainted with the place. Rita budged into the room averting everyone's attention from the speaker to her .

Rita's gaze landed on her boss, Mr. Bucks and her lips quivered. Mr. Bucks was looking or rather glaring at her as if he wanted to slice her head off. The man was known as ruthless. The owner of this very company and many others . It was also rumoured that he was part of a mafia.

"Ms. Rita Luma. Kindly get out as you can see we have begun without you and we do not wish for any interference." His deep gravel voice ushered Rita out of the conference room to the washroom. Staring at her worn-out self in the mirror,she knew her career was over and she had never felt more hopeless in her life.

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