Chapter 19

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Rita woke up feeling warm, she snuggled closer to the body sleeping beside her. She opened her eyes to take a peek.

Her eyes met with a hard smooth chest, covered up with tribal tattoos up to the neck . Frowning, she tilted her head to look up and what she saw made her eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets.

Her boss, Mr. Bucks' perfect face sleeping face. Awww !... How adorable. She thought and nearly slapped herself for thinking in that manner. She tried to look down at herself to see if she had clothes on but she felt restraint on her waist. It was her boss's powerful arm gripping her tightly.

She was in the process of slowly detangling herself from his hold when all memories of the past night rushed in her head.

"Please stay...I'm scared... Bucks..."

The words made her sit bolt upright in bed. Oh my God! What does he think of me now? I told him everything... Everything. He must think I'm broken and weak. He must think...

Bucks woke up because of a sudden movement, sitting up he saw Rita thoughts far away. He tried to touch her face only to have it slapped away.


Did his voice just sound deeper.. oh ..oh..holy cow ! Rita shook her head and ignored the voice. She was too devastated to pay attention to her stupid thoughts in her head.

"Rita ... What's wrong?" Bucks tried again.

"You, you see me like I'm weak . Is it ? .... That's why you ... You stayed ! Huh?" She asked tears threatening to fall.

"What do you mean! I don't think you are weak, Rita. You are strong, I stayed coz you asked me to and I... I care about you, more than you know..."



"No, no you think I'm weak. You don't care no one does..."

"Rita please, I do. Let me .... Let me care, "

"You stay away from me, you are my boss . We have -"
Rita's words were suddenly cut off by Bucks' sudden movement off the bed. He paced the room ,pulling his hair.

"Rita, I don't know what you are doing to me. Please... Let me care ,I want to be close to you, I wanna protect you too, I just.... Damn it! I want you to be mine!" Bucks said sighing in frustration.



"I said no! I can't be yours, you egoistic, controlling boss. Ever since I've been with you, I've known nothing but danger. You are my boss. You... You .. we are so different.. different even in race . There is nothing common between us. We are too different for you to care ! . You can't care. Never!" Rita burst out, tears freely flowing.

Bucks staggered backwards as if he had been punched on the face. We are too different for you too care! The words crushed his heart into a million pieces. What did loving someone got to do with differences of all sorts? As long as you are compatible . Which he was sure they were unless, he was mistaken ? Was he mistaken... The way her body slightly trembled whenever he touched her. The way she looked at him.... Damn , may be he did imagine it after all. He shook his head and looked at Rita. A wounded expression on his face.

"Very well, then. " He whispered and he opened the door to leave.


Rita was crying her eyes out and did not hear Zara come in to see her. She was lost in her own guilty thoughts until Zara spoke up.

"Rita , heyyyy! What's up with the men in this place! I came in and met some big guy at the corridor , so I said, 'hi!' ... Only for him to growl something like "grrrrr..... " Gee I thought he was a tiger . Ha! The ones at the gate are worse. They sound like some starving lions... 'Girlrrr. where you going rrrrrr.... ' . Ha! ..." She burst out laughing as she walked to Rita's bed but she stopped as soon as she saw Rita's face.

"Girl, what's wrong? " Zara asked as she wiped a tear on Rita's cheek.

"You are crazy you know..."

"Uh, uh ! Rita you are going to tell me why you are crying and stop changing the topic..."

Rita took a deep breath and told Zara everything,leaving out details on the necklace.

"Seriously Rita! What crap is that?! Huh? Bucks saved you from Jonathan, he tried to warn you... You didn't even hear him out. He is keeping you here for your own protection and taking care of you to get well and you dare push him away coz of some lame racist shit?! Bitch I don't believe you, you crazy... That man loves you.. infact if you so honest with yourself why did you agree to go out with Jonathan... Huh? That proves you just pushing Bucks away for nothing.. huh? Damn. I'm your friend, Rita. I honestly don't care how dark you are ,your brown anyway and I don't care... I don't care if you are African.. that just makes you unique. What matters is the bond I have with you.. Damn. I'm disappointed in you. ... So damn disappointed ," she huffed and stood up to leave, slamming the door behind her.

I messed up big time . Rita thought as she now lay on the bed staring at the bag of oranges Zara left on the table.

Halloo fellow readers....
Okay no one get offended 😊.
What do you think of Rita..😂😂?.
Zara as her friend ?
Do you think Bucks loves her....

Hmm. Strange twist. ... Anyway I will be updating shortly . Remember to vote comment, any complaint. I'm ready to answer. Remember I'm not perfect I make errors too.. n I'm open to corrections.. thanks 😁

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