Chapter 21

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It was now two weeks since Rita saw Bucks. She sighed. Slowly, she got up from the bed and slightly limped to her desk to see if she could get any work done. A desk was moved into the guestroom at her request since she found it quite boring to sleep and watch TV all day. She was not exactly the ' lazy type '.

As she now opened a file to schedule her boss's meetings, the door was knocked and Martha came in carrying a bowl of cookies and a glass of milk on a tray. She set the meal on the desk and turned to leave. Martha had started growing cold towards her ever since the day she told Bucks off. Insulted was more like it, though.

Rita shut her eyes . She felt so guilty that it was killing her . She opened her eyes to catch a glimpse of Martha's uniform as she was shutting the door. Hmm... Another thing that bothered her,if Martha was indeed Mr. Bucks' aunt why did she wear a maid's attire and why was Bucks always referring to her as his house maid... But Rita could not bring herself to ask especially now that Martha was clearly upset with her.

Rita rose from the desk not touching the delicious smelling cookies . She needed to find Bucks and this time she was ready to roam all corridors in the apartment, search every room to the ground floor and ask all of his men around of his whereabouts. She had to apologize and set things right between them.

She shut the door behind her and started walking down the corridor. She saw Terry at the other end, walking steadily towards her but his eyes were fixed on his wrist. He then looked up and his eyes met with hers . Terry's face immediately changed from calm to cold. He scowled, turned and started to walk away.

"Terry, wait ! " Rita started walking faster towards him which was hard because of her limping leg.

He continued walking.

"Please ! " She loudly begged , outstretching an arm.

Terry stopped in his tracks and turned to glare at her.


" Please , I need your help," Rita pleaded now standing in front of Terry, whose eyes had narrowed to slits as he remembered the events that transpired the last time she said those words.

"Please ... I'm looking for err... Mr. Bucks, could you please tell me where he is?" She persisted despite the murderous look she was getting from Terry's swirling dangerous depths of blue orbs on his face.


"Pretty pretty please. I have not seen him for two weeks now. Is anything the matter ? Is he safe? Please do tell!" Rita whined clutching his arm.

Terry looked down at her hand then his gaze traveled slowly to her hopeful face. He sneered and snatched his arm away.

"NO !" He roared causing Rita to flinch as he now walked away in a faster pace.

"Please ,please I'm begging you - " Rita tried to run to keep up with his big strides wincing in the process each time her injured leg made contact with the ground.

"Direct your questions to Martha. She is better placed to handle your stupid and childish pestering," he answered not looking back.

Damn , asshole of the century... Great just great. Rita rolled her eyes. Terry was impossible. She started to search for Martha as she encouraged herself to just try talk to her.

It couldn't be that bad , could it?

She walked in the laundry room and found Martha ironing . She cleared her throat but Martha continued as if she heard nothing.

" Um , halloo Martha, "

A glare.

"Uhm , hey Martha, "

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