Chapter 20

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Bucks staggered into the kitchen, hurt all over his face. He found Martha humming as she was cutting pieces of an apple pie.

He pulled out a high stool ,under the kitchen counter and sat on it.

"Son, son. What is wrong?" Martha asked him after taking in his sad state.

"Rita -" Bucks uttered her name in a pained voice.

"She doesn't want me around her , I guess. I donno but she pushed me away, said we are too different, I care for her. I mean , I .. I her ..." He trailed off in an exasperated tone.

"Ah... .... The girl is too scared. You can see it in her eyes. Rita, poor girl. She didn't mean to push you away Bucks, she is a good woman but she's scared. Give her some little time. Bucks... Eat up. You need your strength" she advised as she placed a plate of sliced apple pies in front of him.

"But she said-"

"No Bucks, give her time. I see the way her eyes light up at the mere mention of your name. I can tell she feels for you too but she is probably new to this whole thing. .. give her time... Hmm...." She said as she now left the kitchen.

"Yes ,aunt ," Bucks weakly whispered to her retreating back .

He took a few bites of the pie and rushed into his room to take a shower. It was still eight o'clock in the morning , he had to go to work.


He walked in , passing the front desk when he saw Zara sitting across it seeming upset. He needed to talk to Zara this morning.

"Zara, "the girl looked up a shocked expression evident on her face. Well, it was not a wonder. He rarely talked to people.


"In my office," he beckoned.

"Sir, " Zara's voice called as soon as she knocked and came in.

Bucks held his head in his hands at his desk trying to control his already hot temper. How many times will I tell people to wait for an invitation to get into my office after knocking. He was about to lash out but he swallowed his words... He needed Zara for a more important course.

"Zara, I understand Rita is your friend?" He started in a gentle voice that surprised him too.

" Yes sir, we're close,"

"Good. I need to ask you a few questions and please be honest with me, " he said rising from his seat to stand before Zara.

"Zara, has Rita ever told you anything about her background... Uhm.. the .. the way she grew up?" Did he just stutter, before his secretary? What was happening to him ? He would have punched himself if not for Zara standing in front of him watching him with a little amusement in her eyes.

"Sir, you couldn't possibly expect me to tell you about my conversations with Rita, "

"No Zara. I don't, " he said cocking his head to the side, " Rita's life however,is in danger. Consider whether it is worth keeping your stories to yourself or telling me because I might grasp information that may help me to keep her safe..."

Zara hesitated for a moment, eyeing her boss with keen eyes.

"Alright then,"


"Okay. Uh.. there was this time we were talking about names and she told me , she has always loved her mother's name. I think it's Amara. She told me her mother was a good , hardworking woman and made sure she didn't lack despite her small pay at the Connor company, I think, " she furrowed her brows as if trying to remember, " she at one time mentioned having an uncle too. The name was Ben, I think.... That's all I can recall."

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