Chapter 1: The Broken-Hearted Girl

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This is the exact image of how I imagined Shadé when I initially started writing this book!
Anyway, please enjoy the rewrite of I'm Falling For a Royal Prince!


Men weren't shit.

They'll put in all this effort to court you, going above and beyond just to take you out, but the moment they've gotten used to you... they get bored. They move on and break your fucking heart with the next bitch. At least that's what happened with me.

I've never been so heartbroken in my entire life; having to see my ex-boyfriend stick his penis into another woman that wasn't me was far too unbearable. I wanted to throw up when I saw that it was Dr. Richardson, our Calculus professor. I should've suspected that he'd do something like this! He went from getting C's and D's to getting straight A's in her class in a matter of two weeks. I mean, math, particularly calculus, wasn't Jared's forte. He was more into science since he was planning to go on to med school. And tutors? He always told me they made the course harder than how Dr. Richardson taught. The only teaching method he could 'understand' was the free afternoon tutoring sessions he had with Dr. Richardson. It was like a small class on whatever topic you were struggling on, however you had to make an appointment and she'd only take five students at one time. I took her for the same course, but at a different hour, and I even attended these sessions with Jared whenever I didn't grasp a concept in class. I never would have suspected that he was fucking our professor behind my back.

I began thinking something was up when I didn't see him around campus all day. I knew he was there because he usually had two classes back-to-back on Fridays, Calculus being his second class of the day from two to four. Luckily enough, I asked his cousin, Marc, if he'd seen him at all that day.


I was inside the student center, sitting upon the empty steps as I carefully sipped on a caramel macchiato in one hand and my cell phone in the other, expecting a reply from my boyfriend. I had told him earlier to meet me on the steps inside the student center once he gets out of his last class yet; I received nothing. I even sent him a follow-up text asking where he was and still... nothing. He didn't even read my messages. If it was one thing I knew about Jared, it was that he always had his phone in his hand; always.

I sighed out loud as I moved on to the next app, YouTube. The last thing I watched was a video about how to get the perfect silk press on natural hair. It's cold and you better believe that I was going to take advantage of New York's weather and learn how to do a silk press on my own. My hair never stays straight for long unless it's cold anyway, so might as well try. We were amid finals and Fall graduations, and I would have completed both. Why shouldn't I reward myself for completing my associate's degree? I deserved it.

"Hey, Shadé!" Marc's cheery voice suddenly called from behind me as he made his way down the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and stood up to greet him with an inviting smile. He was good-looking and had the smoothest brown skin I've ever seen, but he wasn't handsome. He wasn't Jared.

"Hi, Marc. Have you seen your cousin?" I questioned, getting straight to the point. "I know he had class today, but he didn't text me back since it ended thirty minutes ago," I added thoughtfully.

"I've seen him today," he confirmed as I felt his gaze trail down the length of my body. "He's in Dr. Richardson's office, but he should be out soon. I just came from there with him; we were just going over integrals and shit," he brushed off.

"Oh," I pondered, slightly relieved but still irritated that he didn't bother texting me back. "Okay, say less, thank you," I added before giving him a quick hug and turning around to head to Dr. Richardson's office.

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