Chapter 8: One and the Same

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Was that considered sexual assault? It was right? It had to be. A man that was nearly a foot taller than me and twice as strong held me against a wall. Against my will. It had to be considered sexual assault. But how would I tell anyone that? Who would believe the African-American maid that the Crowned Prince sexually assaulted her? Absolutely no one.

That is why I kept that incident to myself. Even Frank had no clue about what happened seconds before he arrived. But even though he saw nothing, I was thankful for his presence. I don't know what would have happened if he didn't come. Would he have tried to kiss me? Would he have tried to take me against my will? I didn't want to find out.

I honestly didn't know where this sudden attraction for me was coming from. When I first met him, he wasn't giving me a weird vibe or a strange look, aside from when he pointed out that I was the only American in the group. That was the only time he really looked at me.

Let's not forget the whole Ms. Conspiracy fiasco. Out of all the maids that stated their interests, I find it hard to believe that I was the one he 'chose' to remember. Who was he trying to fool? Couldn't be me. I will not be the person whose life he ruins. I really didn't want to work today because I knew I would run into that weirdo at some point. Frankly, he was the last person I wanted to see at the moment.

If it was one rumor that I've heard around is that the Prince slept with Tiffany, multiple times. And once he cut her off, she cried in her room for three days, telling Gina that a family member passed. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't play around with my family's life in that way. Even though I hadn't seen them in almost six months, I could never fix my mouth to say that one of them passed just to avoid working.

Regardless, I wasn't sure if the Prince was seeing me as some sort of conquest like he probably saw Tiffany as. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if this was some kind of fetish, just by how much of a weirdo he was.

"Stop thinking about that mother-fucker. Think about Frank, think about Frank," I chanted as I continuously tapped my temples. I should definitely think about him since I had gone on a date with him last night; and it was a wonderful date. We talked and got to know each other, and he took me to London where we walked along the River Thames and rode the London Eye. The night had such a romantic feel to it, and I would have thought I was in a romance movie montage if it wasn't for how I felt.

The thing is, I'm not that romantically interested in Frank. He was very handsome, I'm sure he's had women chasing after him when he was younger. But his personality didn't fit mine. Some of our conversations were a little awkward to where we would find ourselves just sitting in uncomfortable silence until one of us struck up a conversation again. But it was only the first date, we still had some time to get to know each other.

"Folashadé," Gina called, making me wince at the sound of her authoritative voice.

"Forget about your usual morning duties. I want you, Tiffany, and Gwen to be on breakfast duty outside in the southern patio," she instructed before releasing an irritated sigh. "His Royal Highness is expecting his friends over... again," she added with slight contempt.

"Seriously, why can't the freaking arseholes just have breakfast outside of the castle? Why here," Aimee ground out in obvious frustration.

"I understand your irritation, Aimee, but I advise you to not say that in front of them," Gina warned.

"Why do you think I'm saying it now? It's not like any of them would ever come in here," Aimee pointed out, making the other girls in the hall nod in agreement, including me. "I mean, come on! Every time they come here, something dramatic happens, specifically with the female staff. Their only purpose is to annoy the castle's staff," she stated with infuriation.

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