Chapter 16: Feminine Unity

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"Was that a foreign maid smooching on my country's Crowned Prince just now?"

Hell nah... I might've just died right then and there. I wish I did, at least because there's no way in hell I was just caught kissing this damn man. No fucking way was my luck that fucked.

I heard her footsteps approach me from behind as I no longer felt the pain in my toe. My embarrassment was really causing the pain at this point.

I used the wall as support to turn around and face her. Today was Aimee's day off, that I could tell by her choice of clothing, which was comfortable lounge wear. She wore a very knowing smirk as she stood before me with her arms crossed and brow raised. "I didn't know whoring was in your nature, Fola. Is taboo in American culture to just break up with someone before hopping to the next dick," she asked with amusement.

"Aimee shut the hell up. You're getting me tight," I commented with obvious annoyance. If my foot wasn't hurting, I would've popped this hoe in her mouth. "Frank and I are just dating, nothing is exclusive, and he's not my boyfriend," I defended myself.

"But... the Prince of Wales is," she questioned as she tilted her head to one side. "Because that kiss was quite intimate."

"No, but," I started before she interrupted me.

"Folashade, that's grimy of you, you know? Leading Frank on to believe that you two could actually be something," she said accusingly. "But yet you're sneaking around, entertaining a man who's going to ditch you as soon as he meets a lady that's capable of being his wife; the future Queen of this country."

"Aimee, I don't care about all of that. I'm leaving next May any damn way, so if I want to fool around with whoever, then I'm going to fool around with whoever. I'm an adult," I said defensively.

"You're 21, barely even that, darling," she shot back.

"So fucking what? I've been taking care of myself for months before coming here. It doesn't matter how old I am. I took care of myself and still is, long enough to not be dead yet," I continued on.

"What are you ladies bickering about," Gina suddenly asked from down the hall. My heartbeat raced erratically with every step she took closer to us. I glanced towards Aimee as she kept a cool exterior, waiting for Gina to close the gap between us. Was she going to say something to Gina? Lord, if she does, I would literally have nothing to lose.

"It's nothing important," I replied quickly as Gina finally reached us.

"Aren't you on breakfast duty, Folashadé," Gina inquired with slight suspicion.

"I injured my foot while serving the Royal Family," I explained truthfully.

"Will you be able to continue working once you leave the infirmary?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied, knowing that I would be fine once I put something cold on my foot.

"I'll help her to the infirmary. She's limping pretty badly," Aimee offered, her voice a lot softer than earlier. She came to my side and provided herself as a crutch, wrapping her arm around my waist and my arm around her shoulder.

As we parted ways with Gina, I knew Aimee was going to start again with our previous conversation. "If you're going to entertain him, at least break things off with Frank first," she said in a low whisper.

"For what? You want him all to yourself, huh," I asked, testing her.

I watched her cheeks redden. I knew briefly about her and Frank's past, courtesy of Tiffany, so it was no surprise to me she would be defensive of him in this situation. "I'll break things off with him, Aimee," I announced, causing her to provide me her attention.

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