Chapter 19: A Nosy Parker

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If it was one thing about me, I was going to eavesdrop on some tea. I've been doing it since I started working here, so why the hell would I stop now? I had just watched Hayley drop off Vincent's breakfast platter to his study. Two of his friends were high on her tail. They looked a little upset, particularly the girl. I, unfortunately, forgot her name, but sis was livid. It made me briefly think, did she find out about the Abigail girl? She couldn't have. If I recall correctly, they were friends.

But what if they found out they were fucking the same guy and Vincent is now telling both of them he was getting married soon, so he has to cut them both off? And since they're friends... they probably think he's cutting them off because of the other girl? Oh, this rich people's drama was about to be mad entertaining!

I moved a little closer to the door as I continued dusting the vases that lined the golden walls of Windsor's State Apartments. I ensured that my movements lacked sound as I was hearing their voices rise in frustration.

"And what about Floyd, explain that one," the Griffin guy said pointedly.

"Floyd is disrespectful, and I had to put him in his place," Vincent replied boldly, seemingly unbothered based on his tone of voice.

"For what reason," the girl questioned with irritation. Oh, she's mad, mad!

"What reason did he tell you, Griffin," Vincent directed his question to the guy.

"He insulted one of your whores." Whoa! Vincent was putting his own friend in his place for one of his whores? That's interesting.

"She's not my whore, she's a friend of mine," I heard Vincent say in a corrective tone. That sounded like a fat ass lie to me but go off, Your Royal Highness.

"Oh, please. I couldn't believe that lie even if I tried. You're full of shit, Vince! Your little whore friend is going to make you lose all of your friends! Abby's hurt because of your selfish ways, you fucking bastard," the girl shouted passionately with anger taking over her voice. I didn't think it was that deep, but then again, I don't know the entire story.

"Jenn, calm down," Griffin calmly said, it surprised me that I could even make out what he'd said considering how low he spoke.

"Jenn, Abby does not have the potential to be a fucking Queen! And don't bring my friend into this, she has absolutely nothing to do with it! You don't even know who the fuck she is to speak on her causing this," Vincent yelled back at her, matching her energy with his defense.

"Fuck that imaginary whore! I fucking told Abby not to fuck with a Prince, but there she goes; opening her fucking legs for your disgusting arse!" Damn, so I was wrong. She's here to defend Abigail, not because she's hurt about Vincent getting engaged soon. With the way Abigail went wild the other night, you would think it was that deep though. I couldn't understand what was so hard about fucking this man and leaving him? Yes, he ate me out like I was his last meal, but that didn't make me obsess over him. Obviously, these women never knocked a man out with the power of the pussy and I can tell.

"Jenn shut the hell up! Abby's supposed to be in a relationship with Andrew! Stay the fuck out of my business and focus on your day job!" Wait a minute! That girl was in a relationship and Vincent knew? He was definitely living up to the name the media gave him, England's Gigolo. This whole situation was getting worse by the second.

"Jenn, just step out for a moment, please," Griffin begged her just before the door went flying open. Jenn, the girl's name I gathered, stormed out of the room and down the hallway. She didn't see me, but for some strange reason, I felt like someone did.

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