Another Start

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You woke up to your alarm blaring in your ears as the sun shone in your eyes through the small window of your room. Grunting you sat up and slammed your palm on the clock, rubbing the sleep off your eyes you stood from your bed and pulled out a towel and another outfit from the boxes that still laid on the floor.

"I need to fucking buy stuff already."

Walking towards the bathroom across the tiny hall clutching the towel and the outfit on your other hand.

You let the water fall on you from the shower head, tilting your head to let the water hit your neck and shoulder the water flowing to your legs.

Slipped on the outfit after the shower you headed out the door having checked your phone and wallet that were tucked in your back pockets and locked the door behind you.

As you walked along the street you felt a shiver ran down your spine as if you were being watched but shrugged it off as the cold morning air hitting your bare neck.

You sighed as you entered the furniture shop scoping through the various materials that were made into furniture, walking to an area filled with closets and drawers.

A woman came up to you asking if you need assistance, shook your head and thanking her and giving a simple 'I'm fine' before the woman nodded and left you to your business.

It was fairly difficult to chose one on each necessary furniture since there were a lot that tickled your fancy, the colors and material being the only things to make you think about each piece harder.

In the end you purchased a dark wood closet, white wooden nightstand, a simple wooden desk and a baby blue dresser for your bedroom. 

Having given your address to costumer service they said that all your purchases would be dropped off at three giving you a few more hours to wander around the town and purchase some more things for the house.

After shopping for kitchen utensils you heard your stomach grumble and decided to head to a fast food chain near a high school. Not bothering to look up and read the name you walked inside the restaurant, ordering a hamburger and fries with a coke and headed to a table near the window waiting patiently for your food as you played on your phone.

When your order was handed to you to began eating and looking around the place. You now noticed the high school a few feet away from the place and read Harry Herpson High School.

You took in the features of the school, almost giddy at the size of the place. It was surely bigger than yours back at home, when you were still at high school. Having the name of the school implanted in you mind you finish eating and went on your way to the grocery store.

Pushing the cart you had in front of you, you were scoping through each aisle, grabbing anything you need and want. Payed for the groceries and went back home. It was a struggle to carry so many bags but you managed and set the bags on the kitchen counter.

When you finished putting everything in place it was already 1:47 meaning you still had a bit more time to fix up your bedroom before the furniture comes. Having said that you entered your room and began folding your clothes in neat piles.

You cleaned and folded up the boxes it was 2:30 and decided to get a snack and watch tv for a bit until the service truck arrives. You slumped in your couch with a bowl of gummy bears and a can of coke, watching cartoons and waited patiently.

And of course a few minutes later you heard knocking on you door, you got up and answered it. A man in a white uniform and jeans was standing in front of the doorway holding a clipboard.

"Just sign here please." He said and handed you the clipboard you nodded and sign giving back the board with a simple 'thanks'. The man waved his hand and another man hopped out of the truck and opened the back pulling out your closet, dresser, nightstand and desk.

You lead the two inside the room and pointed towards what part of the room you wanted the pieces to be at. After the stuff was all moved in you thanked the gentleman and handed both of them a $20 tip. Thanking you they went back to the truck and drove away.

It was a really quick process, cleaned up the plastic wrapping the stuff and dusting off any wood dust. Placed the folded clothes in the dresser and hung the fancy looking ones in the closet. In the nightstand, you only placed a picture frame and a small lamp you already had as well as a desk lamp on the desk.

Satisfied with the cleaner version of your room you grabbed the boxes and tossed them in the garage. Looking around you decided to make another device just cause your bored.

An hour later, you held a new blaster. You wanting to test it, went behind the house and shot the ground. Grass burned in the spot you shot. It was burned to a crisp black and was still steaming. There a small fine hole in the ground you grinned and placed the blaster in your waistband behind you.

"Seems good enough." You said to yourself and walked back inside.

Upon entering a thought crossed your mind. Harry Herpson.

"Oh right I still have to enroll." You said to yourself and walked to your room grabbing your laptop and sat on the couch in the living room. Legs crossed and laptop on your lap. You began typing in the school and clicked a link. Filling-in the necessary requirements you hit enter and a slide popped up.

You are now enrolled to HHHS,

We are pleased to welcome you to the family, y/n l/n.

                    Harry Herpson High School

You sighed and exited the page going to YouTube and watched videos until you felt sleepy and slept in your room.


I changed the protagonist's (your) name just cause the other one seemed like it didn't fit. Oh and if you're wondering I find it weird typing (y/n) everytime (y/n) needs to be typed cause it's such a hassle to change between the letters to the punctuations and stuff so I just wrote a random name you can read it as it is and pretend it's you or just change it to yours while you read the book, thank you for understanding. Btw thank you for reading this too, I know my writing isn't that good so thank you for taking your time to read this.


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