Shit Always Hits The Fan

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When we arrived at their garage I hopped out the ship the two following afterwards, and I bolted through the kitchen.

"Put the house on lockdown." I ordered as soon as Rick and Morty were inside the house.

"Why should I fo-eruph-follow orders from you?" Rick retorted. I glared at him, he flinched taking a step back.

"Do as I say before shit hits the fan, if not I'm hitting the fan on you." I threatened which made Rick stumble searching his pockets and pulling out a remote, pushing a button the house completely got enveloped with thick steel armor. I turned around and went to the living room passing by Beth who had a worried face.

"What's going on?" Beth asked, though I ignored her. Rick and Morty shrugged once beside me. I sat down on the couch pulling a small metal cube that had a little flashdrive plugged on one side of it from my bag, pulling the flashdrive out, the cube unfolded itself into a laptop.

"Whoa." Morty sounded beside me as he sat down. I opened the device, glided my fingers on the keypad before placing my other hand on top and immediately typing in codes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Rick asked from behind the couch.

"I saw you two down on a street, heading this way." As I said that multiple camera screens popped open revealing different streets.

"How did you do that?" Beth asked in awe. I scoffed amused.

"My br-friend c-creates devices, I hack systems." I almost slipped, and zoomed in on the camera that was a few feet from the Smith's in the direction of school were I saw the two.

I waited a couple seconds before two figures walked in frame, the same familiar blue spikey hair and brown curly hair. I pointed at the screen.

"See." I said turning over my shoulder to look at Rick who had a slight shock and amazed expression. He gestured for me to move, and he hopped over the back of the couch and sat beside me.

"The fuck? What could they possibly need?" Rick questioned to nobody in particular, and clicked on another angle. This showed them their faces.

The other Rick had a scar over his lips on his right side while the Morty had an eyepatch. Rick growled beside me.

"R-rick w-why are t-those two h-here?" Morty panicked looking over to Rick.

"I dont fu-eruph-fucking know Morty! I'm not them!" Rick shouted standing up and heading to the garage, dropping what looked liked my portal gun on the couch, I snatched it before Morty could. I furrowed my brows and looked at Morty who shuddered away.

"I need to get something from my house stay here." I said as I dialed the coordinates to my garage and shot a portal. Green? What the fuck? I stepped through. I don't have time to question shit.

When I went through, my portal gun was sitting quietly on my desk beside my blaster. Seriously what the fuck? I grabbed both and headed back before the portal closed again. I bumped into Rick right after the portal closed, he snatched the green-emitting portal gun from me.

"What did you do to my gun?" He scolded. I furrowed my brows for the second time.

"You tell me." I challenged. Rick had a confused and pissed expression.

"What?" He growled. I raised my own portal gun.

"How the fuck do you have an almost exact copy of mine!" I shouted my blood boiling over.

"How would I know you didn't copy mine!?!" Rick returned glaring at me his fist balled up like mine was.

"Cause it took me five year to make my portal gun! If I would've know it would only be copied by a cheap, lying, invention-coping asshole like you, I wouldn't have moved here!" My anger was practically over the roof by now that I hadn't realized my outburst caused me to reveal a secret, and my anger caused me to tear up.

"Five years!? It took me years to--" Rick stopped, relaxing and unballing his fist. "wait. You made your gun?" He asked getting me off guard, my eyes widened and my heart pounding. Shit shit shit. I panicked darting my eyes around avoiding Rick's, I was sweating bullets as I tried to stutter out an excuse.

"No, m-my fr-" I got cut off when I met the angered eyes of Rick, I choked and suddenly my voice disappeared.

"Shut up. You already said it yourself, is your friend even real?" Rick scoffed crossing his arms over his middle. I looked down, my chest tightening as an anxiety attack started to build up. I clutch my chest trying to calm own and to no avail.

"I-i-" I stuttered tears forming in my eyes and flowing down my cheeks, both from my anxiety attack and the sudden outburst I had that revealed what I had tried to hide. They'll hate me, they'll hate me. I repeated in my head as the tears kept flowing.

Then a pair of hands held my shoulders, trying to calm me down. I looked up to see Rick with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked worry evident in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak but a sudden blast rang out from outside. They're here.

"Shit! Fuck!" Both my and Rick cursed in unison. It isn't the best time to have an anxiety attack right now. I panicked causing my attack to worsen, my breathing became quick and shallow. Rick looked down at me then to Morty.

"Morty grab you pills. Y/n needs them. NOW!" Rick demanded to Morty, and he scrambled through his bag pulling out an orange container and handing it to me. I read the prescription. Too light.

I opened it and popped three in my mouth, dry swallowing it and handing the container back to Morty who had a shocked expression. My attack went away immediately switching to an adrenaline high.

"Your prescription's too low." I blankly said turning around to face the glass sliding door and gripping my blaster at my side. Rick was still facing me a worried expression still on his face. Another blast sounded through followed by another and another. They're trying to bust through.

"Are you okay?" Beth asked holding one of my shoulders, she also had a blaster in her other hand. I nodded, I felt my pupils dilate from adrenaline. I smiled at Beth to reassure her, she smiled back convinced. I turned to Rick.

"Are we gonna let them blast through or are you gonna let them through?" I asked my adrenaline keeping me from any emotions. Darn adrenaline does me differently.

He nodded and pushed a button on the remote and the steel protection lifted up, the blasts pausing as the house made itself bare. I lifted my hand up, pointing the blaster at the glass doors.

The two figure revealing themselves through the opposite side. I grinned a wicked grin before firing a warning shot at the ground before their feet, shattering the glass.

"Your heads will be like that ground, burned and holed in a matter of seconds if you don't leave right now. " I threatened through my grin, my voice blank yet still sounded menacing. The two opposite us flinched suddenly.

I laughed, firing a shot through the other Rick's legs, dismembering it from him and flying off. He groaned and doubled over the Morty bent down beside him, glaring at me before opening a portal and stepping through while dragging his now crippled friend.

By the time the portal closed my adrenaline died down. My hand was shaking as I sat down, gripping the edge of the couch to calm myself a bit. Beth sat beside me rubbing my shoulder before hugging me. I immediately relaxed in her embrace, breathing out a heavy sigh and hugged her back.

"You g-eruph-got some explaining to do." Rick stated as Beth pulled away. I smiled a nervous smile and scratched my nape nodding slowly.

When I say shit hits the fan, I meant I hit the fan.

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