Sleepovers are Fun!

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When you went home to grab a pair of pajamas and your dental kit, you decided to grab your pack of cigarettes just in case you wake up in the middle of the night having another one of your nightmares.

Before you headed out you smoked one on the porch your small duffle bag next to you on the floor. Once you lit the cigarette a voice sounded beside you.

"Hey, you have another?" You looked up to see Rick walking up to you and seating beside you. Nodding you handed him one and flicked the lighter letting him take a huff to light his cigarette.

"So you sm*eruph*smoke huh?" Rick said blowing the smoke past his lips. You took a huff and exhaled.

"Y-yea kind of a vice for me. 'Ya know?" You said facing Rick before looking forward once again your eyes followed a car passing by until it was out of your view. Rick hummed beside you as he took another whiff.

It was silent from there as the two of you finished your cigarettes and stood up, walking back to the Smith's house.

When you both reached the door Rick opened it and let you go first. Well ain't he a gentleman. You chuckled and thank him, he rolled his eyes and walked past you after he closed the door.

The two of you walked to the living room, you following Rick a few steps behind.

"Hey you're back!" Beth exclaimed as she stood from the couch

You smiled and returned the hug Beth had given you.

"You guys don't mind me using the bathroom first?" You asked politely. Beth shook her head.

" It's in the dining room." Beth pointed past the doorway to the dining room. You nod thanks and headed to the bathroom with your bag.

When you entered you saw the large mirror in front of the sink facing the door. You shut and locked the door fishing your toothbrush and toothpaste from the bag and brushed your teeth to make sure none of the smoke was evident in your breath as well as washing your hands.

Once finished you walked back to the living room setting your bag on the floor next to the couch, sitting yourself at the end. Summer sat the other side, Morty in the middle, Jerry was at a separate single sofa chair and Beth was probably in their bedroom already settling in.

Rick wandered in and stood in front of you looking down at you.

"You're in *eruphh* in my spot." Rick pointed at you, nodding you stood up and sat on the floor next to the coffee table. Rick rolled his eyes grumbling something and seating down at his supposed spot.

The tv was playing a weird alien show, you knew it was alien because as you know, you traveled the universe. The channel was in garorpazorp planet. Garorpazorpfield.

You weren't really paying attention to the show since Jerry was chatting with you. You still cringed at his high pitched voice everytime he spoke.

"So where are your parents y/n?" Jerry asked. Sheesh he's real nosy.

"S-spare the kid t*eruphh*the chit-chat, Jerry. Can't you see h-how uncomfortable she is, geez." Rick retorted saving your ass from anymore cringe. You giggled quietly and nodded at Rick. He rolled his eyes while Jerry pouted.

"Y-you know Rick you can be a real ass." Jerry whined which only made you cringe even harder, rolling your eyes you waited for Rick's comeback.

"W-well you're a real p*eruph*pussy Jerry." And there you go folks we have a winner! You laughed as Jerry stood up and stomped upstairs. You stood up from the floor and sat at where Jerry sat now focusing on the show.

Now that Jerry was gone Morty chatted with you averting your eyes from the tv. Morty mostly talked about Rick and his adventures with him as well as school. He eventually talked about this girl he liked, Jessica.

And you being you, you like a little cute romance.

"Sh-she's beautiful, y/n. Sh-she's smart a-and funny and kind and beautiful." Morty said staring off into space probably day dreaming about his little crush. You chuckled which brought him back and looked at you.

"I'm pretty sure you said 'beautiful' twice Morty." You chuckled as his face turn pink and looked away.

"You really like her huh?" You teased and giggled more.

"Y-yeah" Morty yawned and rubbed his eyes, you smiled at him.

"You should probably sleep it's still a school day tomorrow. It's better to get more sleep, probably dream about your little damsel in distress. " You teased and Morty blushed standing up with a nod and 'yeah' before heading upstairs Summer following after.

Now it was just you and Rick in the living room watching another alien channel, it's was fairly boring. The skit was all jumbled up and confusing.

It wasn't long before you felt yourself getting sleepy, you stood up and grabbed your bag, deciding to shower before you changed and headed to sleep.

When you got out of the shower, you were about to set your bag back on the floor when Rick stood up.

"You can have my *eruph* room." He offered to which you shook your head about to open your mouth when he beat you to it.

"I don't mind. I don't rea*eruph*really sleep much ei-either." He said, walking you the doorway stopping and looking at you.

" R-right. Thanks. " You replied and followed Rick, past the dining area and stopping in front of a door.

Rick opened it and let you through. As soon as you entered you were hit with a fairly strong alcohol scent mixed a tinge of old cologne, which smelled surprisingly good.

There was green cot beside the door near the wall, a small circular chair slash table beside it, a wooden bedside with some alien looking bong, a long desk drawer with stuff on top, and in the corner were boxes full of dirty clothes and a probably broken game box with the controller and stuff. The wall near the bed was lined with pictures connected with red thread and blueprints hanging messily across.

"You know I don't mind sleeping in the couch just in case you do need your room. " You said facing Rick who was now past the doorway, both hands in his pockets. He shrugged and walked out, stopping momentarily.

"I'll just w*eruph*wake you up if I n-need it." He said and walked away. You shouted a 'thanks' before he could go further. Looking back and nodded to you, you closed the door and dropped your bag on the bed, sitting on the edge and looking around once more.

You turned your head to the pictures and sat on your knees as you scanned it. You looked at the progress following the thread, it still wasn't complete and was wayyy too messy.

Having ocd, you grabbed a notebook and pen from your bag and write down the pattern. Unpinning the pictures and threads you separated the blueprints, notes and other images. Pinning them in sections and retraced the thread to where each photo connected.

Satisfied you feel your eyes become heavy, you yawned and laid down on the bed facing the wall and drifted to sleep.

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