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You woke up after another nightmare, of course. You checked the time on your phone, 3 am. Grunting you sat up and rubbed your eyes wishing the scenes that played before your eyes in the nightmare would stop flashing in your mind already.

After a moment you stood up and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to drink. You downed the glass, wiping the drops that made its way to your chin. Walking back to Rick's room, you fished your pack and lighter heading out the room and to the porch making sure you didn't accidentally lock the door as you closed it.

You lit the cigarette and took a long huff from it, exhaling deeply as you let out smoke. You heard noise coming from the garage, the curious bug you are you walked up to it puffing out another set of smoke. The garage door was open just a few inches and you could see light seeping out from inside. Crouching down you held the bottom of the door and lifted it up.

Rick looked at you as you entered and closed the door.

"Wh*eruph*why are you here?" He said grumpily. You shrugged taking another whiff of your cigarette, your other hand sliding inside your back pocket and took out the pack. Offering it to Rick he took the box and pulled one stick as well as the lighter that was shoved inside it.

He gave the box along with the lighter inside it after he had lit his.

"So why are you here?" He asked again though a bit relaxed this time.

" Nightmare. " You blankly said. You looked around the garage and it was filled with numerous inventions and gadgets, some were familiar to you, identical even. A scoff sounded from behind you as you scanned the shelf across from Rick's desk.

"What?" You said taking another huff from your cigarette.

"Your too dumb to understand that so l-leave it. Don't touch anything either." Rick ordered spinning back to his desk you rolled your eyes with a quiet scoff. How would you know?

You walked towards Rick who was fiddling with a gun looking blaster, similar to yours but was more.. messy.

Rick's cigar was hanging from his mouth burning away as he tinkered with the blaster. You were anxious as the ash started to build up from the stick, knowing any second the ash would fall from the stick and land on the open panel of the gun and might mess up the construction of it.

You were about to warn Rick when the ash buildup twitch downwards, taunting you confirming you it was about to separate and fall from the cigar.

You moved at lighting speed holding your hand out below Rick's face who was startled thus making the burnt Tabacco fall to your palm shielding the exposed equipment from the possible mess it would make.

You sighed and glared at Rick who was wide eyed at both your reaction an your action as of now.

"Be fucking careful. This type of piece is very delicate." You snarled flicking the ash from your hand in the sink nearby.

"How w*eruph*would you know?" Rick remarked rudely as he extinguished the cigarette. You doing the same and tossing it into the drain.

"Jhay-ar had a similar one." You lied and walked out of the garage leaving Rick to his tinkering. You heard him sound a 'tsk' before you closed the door that connected it to the kitchen.

Walking back to Rick's room and laying down on his bed. You forced yourself asleep and went to a dreamless slumber.

You woke up to someone shaking your shoulders furiously. You flutter your eyes open squinting and furrowing your brows. Rick was towering over you a hand holding his flask and the other still resting on your shoulder.

"W-wake up yo*eruph*you're gonna be late." He said, you grunted and sat up rubbing your eyes and yawning.

"Thanks for lending me your -wahhh- room Rick." You said as you stood up and grabbed your bag. Rick responded with a hum and walked towards his bed stopping abruptly.

He pulled your wrist back into the room dragging you along, his brow was furrowed. He pointed to the wall line with pictures that you sorted last night.

"W-what the fuck is this?!" He screamed. You raised your brow confused before sighing, snatching your arm back you rubbed the sore spot Rick had left with his tight grip.

"I s-sorted it. S-sorry for being a c-clean freak, but at least now it's easier to follow." You said nervous and cowering away from Rick.

Rick sighed out of frustration and shoved you out his room before he, himself stepped out closing the door behind him.

"Whatever, just d*eruph*don't touch my stuff again. " He said grumbling after, you didn't bother asking him what he mumbled and just shrugged heading to the front door when Beth stopped you before you could exit the dining area.

"Have breakfast with us first it's still a bit early and you could still catch the bus after. " Beth offered to which you smiled shyly and nodded with a 'thank you Beth'

You sat next to Rick once again and was handed a plate of bacon, eggs and waffles.

"Thanks Beth, for breakfast and for letting me stay over. " You said with a mouth full of waffle drenched in syrup. Beth laughed at this so did Morty.

"Anytime sweetie." Beth replied with a motherly smile. All of you ate breakfast in utter silence, it wasn't uncomfortable. It was rather homely.

Beth and her family made you feel so warm and welcomed, loved even. It was unlike yours that's for sure.

When everyone was finished you helped Beth set the dishes in the sink and giving her a hug, goodbye and thanks. You headed back home showered and change.

This time you were wearing very gothic clothes, black hoodie, black shorts, net socks, spiked bracelet and a choker. This time you took your time to actually put make up on, it was only light, just powered, eyeliner and black lipstick that only coated the inner of your lips not really wanting to draw too much attention to it.

You figured you would walk since you still had fifteen minutes to spare and the school wasn't that far, probably three blocks away, which was good since you can just walk whenever you don't feel like bringing the car.

You walked alone assuming Morty and Summer was driven there by either Beth or Rick. Probably Beth since when you walked past the Smith's, Rick was in his garage tinkering away. You smiled when he looked up and he shrugged bringing his attention back to his gadget.

You lit a cigarette as you walked throwing the pack back in your large messenger bag. You had your portal gum and blaster stuffed in your hoodie's pocket, which was surprisingly invisible despite having two gun like gadgets in there. Guess that's just the power of fictional logic? Who knows?

You when you finished your cigarette the school was already in sight. As you entered the building curious glares surrounded you. Despite being the very anxious kid you are you actually were able to walked through the crowd easy peasy, no panic attacks of social anxiety. Maybe it's the clothes? Yes that maybe it.

You walked towards the principal's office and asked for your schedule and locker number as well as the key. You held back the urge to laugh when the principal introduce himself to you. Principal Vagina. What kind of name is that? Seriously?

As soon as you walked outside you started laughing your ass off making sure you were further off into the hallway so the principal wouldn't hear.

Once you settled down you wiped a tear from your eyes and headed to your locker giggling at times.

You tossed the bag inside, looked at your schedule and grabbed your science books and binder as well as a few pens and headed to class once the bell rang.


Hey yeah I know this kinda going fast but please bare with me for now, thank you. And also thank you for reading my mess of a book , I appreciate the patience you guys make just to read this, I know I have some grammatic errors I'll try to fix that along the way. Again thank you<3


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