A New Me

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As you walk in to class you swung your lab coat over your hoodie, you took your sit and waited for the professor. The pen you had in your hand was being spun around your fingers carelessly as you read from the science book. It was a lot of bullshit. Most of the things didn't made sense, and some were false information.

The things they'd written in a science book for seniors where a lot of grade school bullshit. It was way too easy for you, or maybe it's because you were just too smart and thought of it that way.

You were cut from your thoughts when a person tapped on your desk,you look up to see a man over thirty or something glaring at you. Professor.

"Good morning prof." You said plainly, it was surprising that you didn't feel a pinch of anxiousness or nervous, but it felt good in a way, you were just concerned that it might be bad in the future but you mostly didn't care that much, just a tiny bit.

"Young lady, what on earth are you wearing? Are you cosplaying or just straight up think your better than your fellow classmates? Your outfit is ridiculous, take it off immediately." The professor douche stated, making everyone else in the room burst into laughter which brought a cheeky grin to the the professor's retarded face.

You chuckled at this, you were ready for a comeback and it didn't faze you one bit. You felt powerful at some point, dark even. You stood up from your desk grabbed your office ID and shoved it in your professor's face.

"If you think I'm 'cosplaying' think again, cause you're too stupid to understand the concept of true knowledge." You brought your hand down and smirked at the professor before he could say anything you quickly spoke again.

"Yes I work for NASA where your retarded ass can't reached the type of level I'm on. So have that in mind that when your jealous ass wants to speak ill of my outfit better know your place which is way below me, peasant." You looked up at him though it felt like you were towering over him which he flinch to. You chuckled darkly and sat back in your seat while the professor walk to his desk probably rethinking his stupidity and insecurities.

One life ruined, checked. Once the professor was behind his desk he was sweating profusely to which the others laughed at. Screaming incoherent woos of laughter. The professor tried to scream over the noise to shut them up but to no avail. He slammed the book in front of him on the table and slowly the noise died down. He cleared his throat.

"Now that that's settled why don't we start with the attendance." The prof spoke almost nervously as he darted his eyes around avoiding yours.

"I'm Professor-" Before he could finish his introduction a kid cut him off.

"Ein-turd!" He screamed which brought the room into another fit of laughter. The professor growled and clear his throat once again trying to contain his composure.

"As I was saying I'm Professor Josh Cruz, Prof. Josh for short." He introduced and called a bunch of last names for attendance, checking at a clipboard.

As he scanned through the attendance you casually wore your visor slash glasses and scanned Professor Douche. He seems fine, healthy and hella stressed. Which you took pity of, sure you can be a bitch in here but you still have sympathy, you knew how much of a bitch stress can affect people especially you. Why else would you smoke? You agreed to yourself to tone down the bitchiness for Professor Douche. Hey I said tone down, not stop.

"l/n? y/n l/n?" The professor called you, snapping you out of your thinking. You raised your hand.

"Right here Prof." You spoke, the prof seemed a bit taken aback, composed himself once again checking the attendance and continued to call on the last few. He brought the clipboard down and opened the book in front of him.

"Let's start with chapter 1 of our lesson, turn to page 10, be sure to take down notes of the discussion, there'll be a short quiz by Friday so listen intently. " Prof said as he turned around facing the whiteboard as he wrote down equations and symbols for mitosis. You didn't bother listening as you already know what it all meant and wrote your own knowledge in you notebook.

The bell rang for next class as the teacher jabbed the marker against the board creating a dot to finish of a theory.

You quickly stood up shoving your belongings in between your arms against your chest as you bolted for the door. Being the first one to exit the room as to not be shoved by the crowd you headed to your locker once again. Throwing your book, notebook, folding your lab coat neatly and placed it inside your bag, to replace it with the necessary objects for literature.

The class went by smoothly and quickly and when the bell rang again it was time for recess as if on que your stomach grumbled. You bolted through the door once more, to your locker and repeated the same action an hour ago, shoving the book and notebook you exchanged it with your wallet and headed to the cafeteria.

As you walked through the doors people stared at you with either amusement or curiosity. You shrugged it off and headed to the counter and asked for a can of coke as well as a bag of chips. The lunch lady smiled and handed you your food and payed. You turned on your heels and looked around to see if there was any empty tables, lucky enough there was one in the very back corner. Loner spot.

You smiled and walked over, sitting at the table with your bag of chips and coke. You casually opened the bag and your phone, scrolling through reddit and giggling at the meme and post people posted on there. It was quiet which sooth you. You were not fond of the quiet that much but in situations like these they were much more relaxing.

Sat and ate quietly, before the bell rang once more for class you already finished your chips and was about to open the can. Gosh 20 minutes pass by so fast. You thought and walked over to a bin throwing the plastic bag and headed to your locker, coke in hand as you absentmindedly sipped from it. You took out your binder, only thing you need for music class.

You headed to the music room, and immediately you heard a mess of instruments being played by some of the other kids. Your brow twitched in annoyance and walked over to a seat located in the very back of the room, though the sound was muted just a bit it still was making your ear bleed.

You sighed out of irritation and gulped down your soda throwing the empty can in a bin just a few steps away from you. The teacher came in with a handful of paper, assuming it was music notes, the teacher passed each student a sheet and walked over to you.

"Why are you seated so further from the others dear?" She said, she looked like she was only in her early twenties which made you cringe slightly at her. You shook your head and smiled up at her.

"I'm not very social." You stated matter of fact. She nodded in understanding and handed you a sheet as well. You didn't thought of yourself as a musician type of gal but you like to sing in the shower when you wanted to do something while sitting back in the tub or scrubbing yourself clean, having said that you didn't know how to play an instrument, you knew the cords but didn't bother learning anything else.

"Ok everyone grab any instrument you like and practice that piece. It's a simple four chords song. You can have this class period to practice it and next tuesday well be presenting your progress. Ok? Good go ahead! " The teacher assigned and opened a door revealing instrument upon instrument laying and hanging from shelves propped inside the closet like room.

A particular piece caught your attention, it was a common acoustic guitar but it had markings engraved in its sides, snatching it immediately before anyone else could you walked back to your seat and looked over the music sheets.

You didn't want to bother everyone else so you strummed quietly, observing your tempo and immediately falling in love with the instrument.

The day went by smoothly after that and your were finally able to go home, but of course you still had your work and changed into much more.. appropriate? Clothes having your  scrubs in your knapsack and your lab coat hanging from your shoulders you headed off to work.

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