Nonsense Chapter

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When I woke up I felt a light headache as I sat up from my.. bed? Hmm, as far as I can recall I was just on my couch snorting up my third line of grounded Kalaxian Crystals. Interesting, usually I'd be able to blow through or rather sort through 5 lines before I can't remember anything else that would unfold.

I stood up from my bed only to realize  I was only wearing an oversized t shirt and my shorts and upper garments were missing, meaning I was in only in my panties. I hummed again and tried to locate my shorts, but to no avail, I was only able to find my phone next to my dresser. Picking it up I checked the time.

And oh shit I was gonna be late for work! I scrambled through my closet and tried to find a decent enough outfit, eventually landing on a white band shirt and baggy jeans, my lab coat folded in my arm and exited the room.

"Hi Rick, bye Rick." I ran towards the front door.

Wait. Rick?

I turned to the couch where Rick was sitting his head turned towards me a brow raised in confusion. I took a step back from the door and walked towards him.

"Why are you h-here? A-aren't you supposed to be m-modifying your Glock?" I asked eying him and my K-lax that's on the coffee table.

"Oh right. I was done with th-eruph-that, I wanted to s-show you but you were high-ing up on these," Rick pointed to the KC's on the table in front of him." I-uh.. walked in on you unconscious o-on the floor." Rick finished rubbing the back of his neck.

" Hmm ok then. Get up I'm gonna be late for work, come on!" I urged pulling him up from my couch and towards the door, snatching the keys before shoving him out, locking my door I pushed him once again towards their home and was about to leave when Rick pulled my wrist. I turn and raised a brow.

"I'll give you a ride." He offered to which I greatfully accept, hopping to the passenger side I sat and waited for Rick to start the engine.

Morty came busting through the door from the kitchen.

"H-hey Rick c-can yo-" before Morty could finish I cut him off peaking my head out the window.

"Sorry kid, you grandfather's gotta take me to work I'm running late. He be back later and then you can gave him a mouthful, K? Bye! " I said quickly and pulled my head back closing the windshield and looked forward.

The ride was relatively silent, only the sound the ship's humming engine and wind passing was present, though the silence felt comfortable for both me and Rick.

"Thanks." I said as I hopped out the car and closed the door, Rick only nodding and swigging at his flask. I shrugged and practically sprinted into the building, greeting a quick 'aftetnoon' to Tiffany as I went past the reception and into an elevator.

"Sorry I'm late you guys-.." I stared at the empty office floor not seeing a single coworker nor hearing any type of tinkering or hushed voices. Weird. Ok I know for a fact no one is here, my hearing is so accelerated even the quietest of sounds I could hear even a pin dropping between voices can be picked up by my ears, but this moment I couldn't hear even a dust particle float around the whole fifth floor.

I started walking to the living space, looking out through the large glass windows I could see all my five coworkers just about to enter the building, holding what seems to be piles of blueprints and various hand fulls of scrap metal. Does the company need new equipment? Maybe.

I waited for them to arrive while I made a total of 6 large cups of coffee, it's probably gonna take some time to finish what? 10 devices and shit. Oh who cares..the elevator dings and all five walked into the office, walking pass the break room and straight into the living space.

I placed the cups in a tray and headed towards the same direction. "Sorry I'm late I could've helped you guys with that." I said as I placed the tray down on the large coffee table, judging from their yelps, I could tell they were a bit started.

"Oh my! y/n, you scared us we thought you wouldn't be able to come today." Mandy jumped and spoke holding her hand to her chest. I scratched my nape and muttered a 'sorry'. They all nod and smiled warmly taking one cup for the each of them, they placed the tray on an end table, out of the way.

We started discussing about the projects for about half an hour before finally constructing them, there was a total of 8 actually. Some for satellite advances and some for military use.

Didn't take us much time to complete all eight having both Mandy and I construct two projects while the others all worked together for their each assigned blueprint.

An hour before our shifts end we were completely done with the tasks and was awarded to go home early for all of our hard work. We all said our goodbyes and headed home.

Nothing much really happened today except for the quick adventure with Rick and Morty also the K-Lax incident at the living room. Other than that nothing exciting really, so I decided to turn in early for today to get some proper rest before school tomorrow.

Only one thing though...


Little short I know, next chapter'll probably be longer who knows? It's just matter of time and sore fingers to know if it will be long so keep a heads up for the next update thanksies! 


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