6. Sticking to trash will dirty my pretty dress.

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Chapter 6: Please, sticking to trash like you will dirty this pretty dress of mine.

All dressed up, I walked down the stairs. I was feeling a little giddy about the fact that I too had a kind of Cinderella moment, although I didn't really change all that much. I feel pretty, though!

I carried myself more confidentially and my back was straighter than usual.

A servant opened the drawing room door for me and I expected Caeles to be there but it was empty; when I asked, the servant said that he'd already left.

I groaned in frustration, feeling anger showing its ugly face in me. Didn't that bastard say he'd brief me about the party on the way?

How am I going to a party without knowing anything? The fact that I have amnesia is being strictly kept between the Sollea and Arcturus Houses, so how the heck am I supposed to act now?

Maybe he'd meet me at the party instead? Should I still go or not?

I clenched my fist and walked out of the house; the carriage was still there but there was no sign of Caeles.

It was to be expected that I wouldn't walk down after my Cinderella moment and see Caeles make a nice face at me; I know who I am but the fact that not only was he not going to give a damn, he wasn't even here to see it... it's a little disappointing to have no one to react to me. I realized I have no one in this world that I wanted to share my happy moments with.

One of my maids stood by the carriage and I walked towards her.

"We must make haste, my lady. We are late." She said, helping me into the carriage but didn't get in.

"Where are you going?" I asked her and she pointed at the coachman.

"...I will be sitting there." With that she shut the door and I leaned back into my seat quietly, willing myself to not think about it; the fact that she'd rather sit out than be stuck in a carriage with me. Whatever.

So I spent the carriage ride looking out the window and trying not to get violently sick. I never realized how much the comfort levels between cars and carriages would differ.

My anxiety was also piling up and I was asking myself what I was doing and why I was going but I looked at the dress gifted to me and the people who worked hard to make me shine at my house and I thought I probably should take this risk. It's not like all of Nora's memories are gone; I still know how to act like a lady... I just wish I remembered names and faces, but maybe I could just wing it?

Suddenly the horses whinnied loudly and the carriage stumbled to a halt; I barely managed to stop my head from hitting the side.

The fuck!

The carriage door opened abruptly and I was looking into Caeles' angry jewel eyes with wide ones of my own.

He glared at me and handed the reins of his horse to a violet haired servant riding a horse of his own.

"Stealing a carriage of the Arcturus House and running off with it; what else should I expect of you?" He got in and sat opposite me. He loudly hit the wall and we were moving again.

"What are you blathering about now?" I asked with furrowed brows; what is he doing here?

"I told you to wait for me and here you are. You always just do whatever you want; it's fucking maddening."


"You didn't tell me shit. I thought you'd left me behind!"

"I clearly told your servants! As if I'd sit in the drawing room that entire time."

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