13. What the flowers told me

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Chapter 13: What the flowers told me about you.
They said they learnt of kindness from your gentle touch; and now it's only you.
It's only your fingers they tolerate.
It's only your touch they crave.
And for all this...
The blame is on you, my dear.

I stared at my face in the mirror. More specifically, I stared at a little spot on the skin near the corner of my eye.

"Don't tell me..."

I had noticed this freckle growing these past few days but today it had darkened enough to be called...

"A mole? Or a beauty spot, whatever, but really?!"

Isn't this something cliché that villains are always shown to have? I don't get it; I think it's really pretty, but why are evil characters always given moles?

"Oh well," I shrugged with a smile. I like it so it's fine. I look kinda cool with a mole under my eye.


Hmm? Itching my arm, I turned towards the yellow carnations that were whispering for some reason.

"What is it? Why are you whispering? Not that I'm complaining." I could do with these chatterbox flowers being a little quieter, really.

"Quickly, before they wake up...!" The flowers hissed at me and I tilted my head in confusion, walking over towards the table on which they were kept.

"Who's gonna wake up? Ah!"

A smile lit up my face when I noticed what, or who they were talking about.

"When did you get a baby? And it grew so fast?" A little sapling that wasn't present yesterday now sat next to the stems of the carnations. It looked so little and cute!

"It's not my baby!" The carnations raised their voice as if they were accused of something crazy. "You're the one that gave birth to them!"

"Hah?!" An extremely confused sound left my lips at this incredulous exchange of dialogue we were having. In the back of my mind, I remembered a soap opera scenario of a man suddenly being told by a dramatic scornful woman he had a one-night-stand with, 'It's your child!'

But I really don't think this is the result of me having a one-night-stand, no matter how non-existent it was.

"Now quickly! Get it another pot! I don't like sharing my root space!" The carnations ordered me and I waved my hands frantically.

"Wait, back up! What do you mean it's my child?!" Ah, saying it out loud feels so weird!

The carnations sighed at me. I was used to their sighs as it's what they did every time I refused their offers to sing, but now I just raised my eyebrows helplessly at this new situation.

"You've awakened your strand power, of course! Now quickly, get another pot before it wakes up and thinks I'm rude for kicking it out!"


I froze with static echoing around my brain and my heart rate rose with the sudden excitement that was overcoming me. Say what!

And then I squealed. Really loud.

My strand power is here! It's finally here!

The carnations clicked their tongue at me and I didn't even care to think of how they made that sound when they don't even have a tongue; I was too busy throwing fists in the air with excitement.

Then I rushed over to the carnations with a huge grin. "Hey, how did I do it? How do I do it? Hey, tell me!"

"Ask Risor, you human! Now, I'm telling you, I need my space!"

The Obsessive Villainess Vol. 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now