19. A Spider's Kiss

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Chapter 19:

A spider's kiss
could only be a trap.

There was an air of excitement in the air around the estate. The servants were abuzz all over the house, and it was more full than usual; it was because the workers from The Flower Maiden, the most influential dress house in the capital were here.

It was finally the day of the ball.

I stared at myself in the mirror. My clothes felt perfect against my skin. It was a rich plum coloured dress that resembled a Moroccan Caftan, only with a bigger and fuller skirt, embroidered with gold threads in designs of leaves and decorated with sequin gems that made it glitter like the stars in the night sky. It took my breath away when I first laid my eyes on it during the fitting a week ago. Today I shall wear it for everyone to see.

I gave the aura of a rich and elegant girl. They decorated my hair with a gold leaves headpiece that had little alexandrite jewels on it. It sparkled in the light every time I moved my head. I felt like royalty.

The dress house chosen by Cassian had truly outdone themselves. I'd remembered myself getting ready for prom in my last life; it was a similar day, only this time, actual professionals were dressing me up.

On my neck hung a purple sapphire teardrop pendant; it was a set with my earrings. I tilted my head to examine them and noticed the little helix piercing that had been pushed onto me by that boy and the corners of my lips trembled.

That boy could only be Rezel.

I thought back to how I had come to get this surprise piercing.

"What do you think of pain?"

He's really always asking such weird questions.

I scrunched up my nose and answered honestly.

"I hate it."

"Oh, dear." Contrary to his words, his voice seemed excited and I raised an eyebrow. "You'll have to bear it for a second."

"Huh? Why on earth?"

At my question, the boy laying on a low tree branch held out and opened his fist in front of me. It revealed a little gem piercing laying on his palm. It was a radiant red gemstone that glistened in the light. It reminded me of the colour of blood. It was similar to the rings and earrings Rezel always wore.

"Is this yours?" I asked him, staring at the gem.

"It is yours." At his reply, I looked back into the brown eyes of the boy with the messy blonde curls. Sunlight hit his cheeks in fragments through the leaves, leaving an ethereal glow on the face of the boy looking down on me.

I gave him a smile and he continued to speak.

"It is imbued with my mana; next time you come to the town, and I am near, I will know and come find you. Let's go drink again."

At his words, a troubled line appeared between my eyebrows.

"I don't think I'll be going to town any time soon; at least not without an escort."

A confident voice reached my ears. "Who said you won't have an escort?" Rezel tilted his head and gave me un unfazed smile. "That's why I said I'll find you. Let's go together."

I stared at him for a moment before my eyes gazed at the gem again. Him offering me his company couldn't have come at a better time; because his presence also meant his protection. I wouldn't have to fear taking a step outside this estate and into the market if he was with me. I parted my lips to speak. "So this thing will tell you where I am? What a stalker."

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