14. All I have are excuses.

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Chapter 14: All I have are excuses for my worthlessness. I know and so do you. Right?

"...It's really pretty."

Rezel and I were currently sitting across each other on the grass. Today he was wearing a Mughal Jama and somehow looked taller and more elegant than the last time I saw him. A single brilliant red Ara rose lay on the ground between us. I bit my lip.

"...Why do you sound disappointed?" Rezel tilted his head with a curious expression, the gold embroidered ruby leaf-design earring hanging from his left ear dangled along with his movement.

I wondered if I should tell him or not, because it couldn't have been easy to get this precious flower and he even did it for free. But then I sighed and shook my head, picking it up. It definitely looked unique and extremely beautiful; you could tell in just one sight that it wasn't a regular rose. It was a lot fuller and had petals of a such a deep colour that made you look twice; not to mention its unique twisted and long stem.

However, to me it was just a flower with no more of a purpose other than looking pretty. That was because...

It needs to be a full plant for me to be able to absorb its energy...

"I just... really wanted to grow one. But I'm so thankful for this, Rezel-"

"Oh," Rezel clicked his tongue, understanding and looking annoyed. "You should have said that, then." And then he snapped his fingers and vanished into thin air. Once again.

I was reminded of our first meeting. "Does he have a problem with saying goodbye?" I shook my head and brought the flower closer to inspect it. "It really is pretty..." No wonder it was so expensive.

The velvety petals felt smooth and soft under my touch. But it was quiet. Too quiet.

What's this? I thought to myself with a smile. "It seems that I miss my noisy carnations."


I looked up in surprise at the sound of someone clicking their tongue to see Rezel back in his spot as if he'd never left.

"It more seems like you can't ever make up your mind, lady." He gave me a disapproving look as he pointed at a gorgeous potted plant that now stood between us. My mouth fell open at the sight.

Growing from the pot were dark green stems naturally twisted multiple times, resembling a tornado with large thorns and sharp leaves extended out in various directions and in between the eye of the tornado was a single vivid red rose. There was another huge rose blooming at a side of the plant.

"Uh... uh..." I was at a loss for words at this view. Rezel let out a yawn as he asked me,

"This is what you wanted, right?"

"Y-yeah, but..." I thought you'd left? And where'd you get one from so quickly?

Realizing this was my chance, my heartbeat rose in anticipation and excitement and I reach out to the flower when-

"Not so quick." Before my fingers could grasp it, the pot was taken away and I was left staring at Rezel's face.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling swirls of apprehension form within me. What now?

I watched as a corner of his lip raised up and he looked at me arrogantly. I subconsciously gulped as he opened his mouth.

"Did you think that would be enough?"


He looked down at the rose and gently caressed the petals. Somehow, seeing his gentle gestures with that smirk on his felt very off and terrifying. "One dumb story for this precious plant? That too," He looked back at me and held up two fingers. "I had to go get it twice. Do you think that's enough for all the trouble I went through?"

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