21. Anger.

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Chapter 21:

Anger is a mistake.
No. Anger is a reaction, and...
Fuck you.

...This won't do.

I was currently on my bed, in my bedroom as Cassian sat on a chair beside me and Caeles stood by the foot of my bed.

I'll have to do something...

I woke up two hours after the monster was dealt with; Caeles had carried me back home and Cassian was now properly healed. The knights and soldiers had finished off the monsters and the day was saved, courtesy of the Arcturus brothers.

...I've made up my mind.

"I am asking you once again, Nora; why on earth do you know how to grow Ruila leaves? Is that why you asked for the healing stones? Tell me where it happened; I'll get rid of them all!"

Cassian barraged me with questions meanwhile Caeles glared at me. "Who would have thought with how high and mighty you act all the time... how on earth are your elemental abilities so weak? Who faints after just growing two plants?" Caeles pounded me with criticism for my weakness. They both looked very irritated and on edge.

...I can't believe that I'm really going to do this.

I held back a sigh. I mentally prepared myself. And then I turned to Cassian who was frowning with worry.

"Are you listening, Nora? Tell me-"


Staying away from you and pushing you away didn't work; for some reason you just came that much closer because you worried.

Today we all could have ended up much worse. I could have died, and Cassian was injured because of me.

"Oh, Cassian."

I've made up my mind. No matter how many times I told them to leave me, it never worked.

"Do you know, Cassian..."

There's only one way to make them stay away.

I reached out and wrapped my arms around Cassian's neck.

"Do you know how much I absolutely love you, my dear Cassian?"

The water jug Caeles was holding fell to the ground. I felt Cassian freeze under my touch.

"When I think of you getting hurt, I feel the pain! I feel the pain like it is my own body! Oh, Cassian!" I wailed with as much emotion as I could, as if my world was ending. "Please don't get hurt again, my dearest heart! I wouldn't be able to take it!"

I'll just have to do it Nora's way.

"She... she..." Cassian looked towards Caeles with shock and uncertainty.

"She's back...!" Caeles whispered. And then his eyes turned sharp. "Take your hands of him right now, Eleonora."

I continued to hang onto Cassian's neck and turned my eyes to Caeles. My lips quirked up.

"Why are you treating your future sister-in-law so harshly, Caeles?"

At my words, I could see a vein popping out on Caeles' neck. He looked really angry. His intense reaction surprised me as I felt the full effect of the wave of hatred he had for Nora. I had changed, so his anger towards me had lessened, or at least he wasn't acting out on it completely; but as soon as I pretended to be Eleonora again...

What is this hatred...

For a second, I was shocked at the intensity of the glare he was giving me. I almost let go of Cassian.

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