15. The fairy that came out to play

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Chapter 15: The fairy that came out to play

I laid groaning in bed. My finger was in a horrible condition. I bit my lip as I looked at the clumsily wrapped bandage filled with the paste of the remedy leaves on my wound.

No wonder Risor looked so angry...

It didn't hurt as much, because the leaves had somehow dried and numbed the pain but it felt so, so uncomfortable. I sighed and stared up at the lavender lace canopy of my bed. I was hoping I could go to sleep to avoid the pain but... I felt even more energized for some reason. My mind was too awake.

"Really..." I groaned to myself again. "Of all times to have a sleepless night..."

"Why don't you do something to distract yourself?"

My eyes met the yellow carnations at their helpful suggestion, and I looked around my room for things to do.

...But there was nothing I wanted to do.

"No actually," I sat up as a thought grazed my mind. "There is something I want to do!"

I thought back to my past life. On nights like this, there was something I usually did.

"And what is that?" Yellow asked me with a curious voice.

"Well, my friends and I... we used to go out together. Sometimes to hang out, other times to party. If not that, I'd call them and we'd have long talks."

How can you explain these sudden random urges? For some reason, all I could think of suddenly were the nights and memories I spent with my college friends as we went out to revel together.

I slumped with a sad pout. "I always knew I'd miss those times..."

"Then why don't you go out to town to clear your head?" The ivy from outside my open window chimed in. I raised my eyebrows at this idea and looked at my finger. I already knew it was going to be a long night. It'd be better to go out and try to forget about the pain rather than stay and rot in this room with my thoughts of longing.

I made up my mind and walked towards my drawer and removed the circular stones I'd seen before, but had not known the purpose of until I saw Caeles use them. A smirk twisted its way on the corner of my lips.

Nora's teleportation beads.

There were only a few, so I took them all and stuffed them into a little pouch.

"I'm just going to go around the town. The sun is setting soon, but I'll be back not too long after it gets dark." I'd heard the town was lively at night, so I'll be fine even if I stay out late, but I didn't want to take any chances on my first solo outing in this world.

I put on a grape coloured cloak and imagining the market I went to before, threw the bead onto the floor.

"Take me to the market!" I said out loud, hoping with all my might that this was the correct way to use them.

I blinked, as a surge of sounds suddenly flowed into my ears; a stark contrast to the silence of my empty room that only had my flowers.

I looked around me and realized I was in an alley between two buildings, and ahead of me was where the path connected to the main street of the market; it bustled with people and orange lamps, glowing brightly and full of vivid colours even as the sun was setting.

I took a few steps forward, a grin forming on my lips as the sounds got louder and as more people came into my view and I blended into the crowd. I'd read in the book that the throngs in the capital actually get bigger at night and it also happened to be a weekend! I gave a sigh of relief when I saw that I wasn't the only woman out solo. So a girl going around alone wasn't all too rare.

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