7. You think you have a say?

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Chapter 7. You think you have a say?



Are they doing this on purpose, or are they really that bad at maintaining the volume of their voices?

I was currently sat alone at a table, my hand on my cheek with my elbow on my table as I looked around me with a blank expression. It was terrible posture, but I'd realized soon enough that the people here weren't expecting much from me anyway.

Any crowd I tried to get into quickly dispersed at the speed of light and the table I approached was deserted in seconds. At this point, it would be hard not to see it.

Lady Eleonora was being isolated.

I shrugged. She probably deserved it, doing all those crazy things. I munched on another delicious scone. Besides, this is good for me because I don't have to worry about talking to strangers.

Caeles was joined by his violet haired servant that I had seen by the carriage, and they were laughing together in a group somewhere far from me.

I hadn't eaten such good food in a while but for some reason it tasted bland. I heard laughter and voices ringing around me as I sat in silence. I'd known of it, but it really is scary all the things quiet people hear.

I was hearing all sorts of shit from the people around me, about the people around me. It seems that tea parties are truly for the gossipers. Someone would be in one clique and talk shit about someone, after which they'd join another clique and gossip about who they were gossiping with.

Who has the best dress, the best jewel, the best fiancé, property, you name it. The scandals of the century, they were all present right here.

I shuddered. How scary...

Of course, there were also good and light-hearted conversations, but what would I know about such a thing? It seems my ears weren't meant to be graced with positivity.

The most interesting one was probably Marquess Daesyn explaining with exaggeration about how many beasts he had to slay to reach Phrixios; but even my foreign ears called bullshit on about half of it. He talked about how he did most of it alone, but I could see some of his guards glaring at him.

Feeling myself drowning in discomfort and isolation, my eyes glanced across the place and fell upon the entrance to a garden maze.

Oh... that's the first time I'm seeing a maze like this right in front of me.

An exit from this unpleasant situation, I thought happily as I raised to move to it.

I heard some ladies mentioning that the Phrixios was kept in the centre of this maze, for dramatic effect, and that it was prettier than they expected. I hadn't the slighted clue what a Phrixios was, but it sounded like a bird. Like a phoenix. I'm betting it's one that's limited to this world!

The more steps I took through the more, the more excited I got at the aspect of seeing something I've never seen before. My feet tapped the garden stone path and I realized I couldn't hear the people anymore.

What a relief...

It was so draining, that party... Being glared at like that and excluded... For a second I thought I was back to my past life. Though it isn't much different, now that I think of it. Things were just getting better for me when I had to go and die.

I put my hand on a tree and felt the sensation of its bark under my fingers. The wind rustled the leaves above my head, and I felt the warm breeze lightly caress my cheeks, pushing at the locks of my hair.

The Obsessive Villainess Vol. 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now