27. Go ahead and cry little girl

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Chapter 27:

Go ahead and cry little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you

On the second day of the charity exhibition, I sat on one of the seats in the performance theatre of the palace. Performers from various cultures had been called to put on shows and it was probably the highlight of my day.

Well, other than that thing with Caeles...

He'd come to pick me up again today and I had noticed something different about him.

I squinted my eyes as I sat right across him in the carriage. "Have you gotten taller?"

He pretended I was air and I took that as a reason. A petty reason to take out my stingy mood on him. Yes, I know he's technically a few years younger than me and that I should be mature but... who's watching?

"Seems your hair has grown longer too. You'll need a haircut soon," I continued to blabber and Caeles finally looked at me with a warning glare, indicating with his eyes that he doesn't care and that I need to shut my trap already.

"That's too bad, I was wondering how you'd look with longer hair. Maybe you'd finally get more fans than Cassian."

Of course, I just continued for my satisfaction. Like an annoying aunt that doesn't stop nagging; I finally understood them a little. It's fun to annoy Caeles, especially when he's quiet; he's cute. It's like I don't understand why we're silent when we could be arguing. At least then it's interesting. He's my fight buddy. He's stress and catharsis at the same time, because who else can I release my aggression with?

I blinked at my thoughts. Wow, have I finally gone mad? That made no sense whatsoever.

In any case, it seems that I like fighting with Caeles? Wow, I need some medicine. And Caeles decided to supply.

He watched me quietly as I talked before a scary smile came over his face. Before I could react to it, he'd pulled something out of who knows where and thrown it right at me.

The next thing I knew-

"Mmm mm mmph?!"

My lips were zipped shut. Literally, I couldn't open my mouth. Caeles' smile grew to become a full-on grin. He let out a mischievous laugh at my stunned expression.

"At last, wonderful silence!"

"Mmm mm mmkh mm mu muu?!"

He smirked at me and began to explain his scheme like some villain in a movie.

"It's a Silent Promise. I had an Arcturus stone-handler create it specifically for you." I looked at him with incredulous eyes. My shocked reaction made him happier. "Unfortunately, it only lasts for five minutes." But before I could sigh with relief at his words, there was a glint in his eyes. He opened and proceeded to show me a pouch full of dark blue marble-like beads. My eyes widened and he let out a laugh. "But of course, I came prepared!"

And that's how my second carriage ride with the male lead went. It felt like a hostage situation, I tell you. Sometimes I really wonder about the characters I read about in the book. They never seemed like they could do such things!

But then again...

I remembered crossing my arms and watching Caeles with the excuse of glaring at him. He looked like a mischievous little boy. Like a kid excited at the fact that he was up to no good. Yeah, at that moment, we really felt like two little brats growing up together. I realized I was childish too.

The fact that we both were so silly brought an unintentional curve to my lips. If I was annoying, Caeles was the same. Like some twisted give and take.

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