Chapter 31

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I was very tired and I drifted off to the sleep.

In the middle of the night, I felt like someone was banging the door of my room furiously.

I woke up and checked that it was almost past 2 am.

"Ana, open the door right this second or I will die." He said.

What the hell! Was he threatening me? I won't open the door.

"I said open the door now Ana. Please!" he said pleading.

I was sitting right on my bed and I didn't move an inch. I didn't speak a word.

Let him think that I am sleeping.

After sometime, I heard no noise.

I drifted back to sleep again.

After sometime, my phone started ringing.

I checked that it was Ridy who was calling me.

"Hey Ridy. Why would you call me this time?" I asked her.

"Ana, Joye committed suicide. He jumped off the hostel building." She said.

"What? Why would he do that? I stay in the top floor Ridy he was right here last night!" I exclaimed. My sleep had already evaporated in the air.

"Did he come to your room?" she asked.

"Yes. But I didn't open the door." I said panicking.

"Okay come downstairs. Police has come over for the investigation." She said.

I felt like my heart stopped beating. My body paled out and I felt cold.

Tears were rolling down my face. I lost a good friend and he committed suicide.

I am the reason for it! But wait, he was a strong guy. Why would he do that?

I ran downstairs to see his body.

I won't believe this shit unless I see the body.

As soon as I went down, I saw that there were students surrounded in a group.

I gulped hard. The bile was rising in my throat.

I pushed them and saw him.

It was Joye! Drenched in his own blood.

I couldn't bear to see the sight in front of me.

Slowly, darkness consumed me.

After sometime, I felt like water was splashed on my face.

"Are you fine Miss Ana?" a police woman asked me.

"Yes. But trust me. Joye was a very strong guy. He would never do this." I said breathing hard.

"We are investigating the case and you have to cooperate with us in this investigation." She said in a stern tone.

After that, God knows for how many times I visited the CBI office. Not only me, there were many other friends from our college who were called up.

We all managed to clear our final semester exams with grief in our hearts.

After that I could not even enjoy the break I had after college.

Police were hell bent in proving that the case was not a suicide but a murder case and it had to do something with me.

They found a brooch in Joye's hand when he was dead.

That brooch was gifted by me on his birthday. It was a very expensive brooch.

Ohh No! This is so misguiding! It would look as if I have done it!

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