Chapter 33

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It was Vinn's birthday. It was the time when many of our college mates came together.

"What did CBI say?" asked Vinn.

"Happy Birthday. Let's not talk about CBI today." I said smiling and giving him a gift.

"Let's not talk about our jobs either. My job sucks!" Jidy screamed on top of his voice.

It was true that his job sucked but deep down I knew that he was trying to stop people from asking unnecessary questions to me.

We all enjoyed the birthday party.

We all were seated across the swimming pool by having some drinks. We were laughing by recollecting all our college memories.

"I just couldn't stop admiring Ana's writing." Varian said.

"More than all of us, you would know the value of good writing because you are handling a chain of hospitals owned by your mom and dad. I don't care if you admit or not but doctor's writing suck!" Avis said.

"My mom is a doctor and her writing is amazing bro!" Varian said losing his temper.

"Chill Bro!" Avis said.

"How is it to handle such a huge chain of hospitals Varian?" Ridy asked.

"It feels good. Earlier I thought that I wanted to work for any other company except handling my mom dad's hospitals. But after realizing that I was working my ass off for this corporate world, I felt I would put in my efforts to make them proud by managing their hospitals." He said.

"Ana. Your parents own a business empire in cosmetic industry. Why don't you try in it?" Vinn asked.

"I just want to try something where I don't depend on them." I said.

"No Ana, you will be their support not a burden and just imagine if you will develop their businesses two-three folds, which will make them happier." Ridy said.

"Let me think." I said giving a thought to what she said.

"If it is possible, count me in. I just want to kick my job off my life. I can't wait to write a fuck off mail to my manager copying all the directors and partners." Jidy said raising his drink a bit higher.

"I will think because the last thing I want is you going around and bitching about me like the way you are doing now." I said smirking at him.

"As if I don't do it now." He said rolling his eyes.

I gave a huge thought about what my friends had said.

I got up and took a formal business suit from my mom's closet.

Anna Rose Thomas is all set to take the charge!

I visited the office in the car.

I stared at the building.

It was a huge building representing ROSE COSMETICS.

I called dad and said that I wanted to visit him and was waiting outside.

In the next five minutes I was in his office. Mom joined us.

"I am the happiest mother on the Earth!" she said.

"Mom please give me a week. I will take a decision accordingly." I said.

I observed keenly how my mom and dad worked.

I just realized how hard it is to run a business and they were managing an empire.

They had a lot of money but they still worked hard, it was not to make money but it is for their passion.

They felt that people who were working for them were their responsibility. Not only them but their families were also their responsibility.

It was the power that kept them awake and get going.

I went back to home.

"Mam there is a gift for you." Su, one of the servant got it to me.

It was a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

"Su! Call me Ana." I said in a stern tone. I read the note.

Ana, I am so sorry for whatever I did to you. It was so unfair of me to do it.

Forgive me! I can do whatever you want to compensate.


I threw the flowers in the trash bin.

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